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Is there any way to do it faster and better? Better in the sense that search when adding or returns all possible combinations

(m/search dx100k
       {_ {_ {:db/id ?e
              :name  "Ivan"}}} ?e)
such a thing works, but for more elements it throws a stackoverflow
(m/rewrite dx100k
       (m/map-of _ (m/map-of _ {:db/id !e :name "Ivan"}))
       [!e ...])

jimmy 2021-04-05T17:08:49.067700Z

So I see the ultimate problem. But I’m really not sure if there is a straight forward fix here. Basically we generate some mutually recursive functions that blow the stack. We could definitely be smarter about this. A github issue would be nice if you have the time. (If not I can) Maybe @noprompt has some idea of a good fix for this. But there is a chance we might just hold off on this till zeta. (Unless someone else wants to help fix it which is of course always welcome).

noprompt 2021-04-06T18:19:26.072100Z

Thanks for opening the ticket!

👍 1
telekid 2021-04-02T22:23:19.044800Z

Jimmy – I’m assuming you’ve come across this in your studies, but just in case you haven’t, you may find it interesting: