I has not seen that! Looks awesome. @noprompt This was a great introduction. Seems definitely worth exploring. https://docs.rs/egg/0.6.0/egg/tutorials/_01_background/index.html
Definitely seems with filing an issue for. If you could include the stacktrace we can look into and see if it is easy to fix or not. Will try to look at the error message soon to understand the root cause.
and stacktrace
Meander is pretty neat… It just inspired me to write a poor man’s version 🙂 I can’t believe I didn’t write this sooner! It’s an awesome REPL helper; never destructure 95% of map cases by hand again: https://github.com/raspasov/alexandria-clj/blob/main/src/ax/auto_let/core.cljc
{:name :alice
:favorite {:music [{:genre :rock}
{:genre :trance}]
:friends #{:bob :clara}}})
[{:keys [name favorite]} m
{:keys [music friends]} favorite
[{:keys [genre]}] music]
That's pretty cool. Also check out https://github.com/xapix-io/matchete for another "lesser meander"
Hey folks, I’ve been on vacation which is why I haven’t replied to any messages recently. I will be more responsive starting Monday. 🙂
In case anyone can’t tell from that video, I’m really out of my element. Something about being recorded turns my brain in to squash. 🙂