
All things about Need help and no one responded? Feel free to ping @U5K8NTHEZ
noprompt 2021-04-08T17:31:47.101Z

Hmm… I hadn’t thought of trying that. I’ve had mixed results using some of the cider tooling but most of that is due to printing.


it really works quite well, sometimes it jumps around in an incomprehensible way, but it is still a very useful tool

😄 1
noprompt 2021-04-08T17:47:13.102100Z

I’ll have to try that out!


you can also check what data is currently stored in variables, which also helps


I mean, you probably know anyway, but for someone who is just figuring out how it works, this should help

noprompt 2021-04-08T17:49:50.102800Z

Interesting. I’m going to give this a shot.

markaddleman 2021-04-08T22:50:19.104500Z

(m/rewrite [[:a 1] [:b 2]]
    (m/seqable (m/$ !ctx (m/pred number? !n)) ...)
    (m/seqable (m/app !ctx (m/app inc !n)) ...))
Should something like this be allowed? The use case is something like, I don't care where a number is a data structure, I want to inc it