
All things about Need help and no one responded? Feel free to ping @U5K8NTHEZ
noprompt 2021-04-12T17:58:49.110400Z

This is something that zeta will support, being able to use m/or on the right. epsilon could be retrofitted to do it but I’m not sure how long it would take in terms of implementation, testing, and supporting.

noprompt 2021-04-12T18:01:28.110800Z

(m/rewrite {:a 1 :b 2}
  {:a ?a :b ?b :c ?c}
  {:a ?a :b ?b & (m/or (m/project ?c nil {}) {:c ?c})})
;; => {:a 1, :b 2}
(m/rewrite {:a 1 :b 2 :c 34}
  {:a ?a :b ?b :c ?c}
  {:a ?a :b ?b & (m/or (m/project ?c nil {}) {:c ?c})})
;; => {:a 1, :b 2, :c 34}

noprompt 2021-04-12T18:07:15.111800Z

Also, I didn’t get a chance on Friday to look at the $* and wasn’t feeling well over the weekend so I’m going to try and find time this week.