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timothypratley 2021-06-22T17:06:10.055900Z

So I was porting some gamma meander to epsilon and it seems like gamma used to support ~@ but epsilon does not, can I still do the thing some other way?

timothypratley 2021-06-22T17:12:04.056600Z

{:as ?m}
('and ~@(second (unravel-pattern ?m)))
is what I’m trying to port

noprompt 2021-06-22T17:25:56.058900Z

@timothypratley We should support ~@ but I’m working on an Asami ticket at the moment. In that case I think you should be able to write

('and & ~(second (unravel-pattern ?m)))
Later today I’ll see what is required to add ~@.

timothypratley 2021-06-22T17:27:07.059500Z

🙂 oh cool. No rush! 🙂

noprompt 2021-06-22T17:40:46.059700Z

Did that work?