phronmophobic 2021-03-21T07:28:24.012Z

This is something I'm currently working on providing better support for. I'll try to write a more detailed explanation soon. If you look at a reference, they look something like:

[(keypath :todos) 
 (nth 0)
 (keypath :complete?)]
which the equivalent query for a nested data structure would be something like:
(get-in state [:todos 0 :complete?])
If you wanted wanted to set the value at that reference, it's not too complicated to write a function that could accept the reference and set the value in a nested data structure:
(def $ref [(keypath :todos) (nth 0) (keypath :complete?)])
(set-nested state $ref true) 
Similarly, if there is a schema, it's possible to take the same reference and provide versions of read, update, delete, and set for databases.
(get-ref db $ref)
(update-ref db $ref f & args)
(delete-ref db $ref)
(set-ref db $ref v)
To make this work for a datomic-like database, you really only need to know if attributes are :db.cardinality/many and/or :db.type/ref so you could expand
(def $ref [(keypath :todos) (nth 0) (keypath :complete?)])
(set-ref db $ref true)
(d/transact! conn
             [[:db/add 11 :complete? true]])

phronmophobic 2021-03-21T07:46:02.014700Z

I've been hesitant to document the data format used for references since it's currently an implementation detail. The reference format was initially modeled after navigator paths since that the library I use for updating nested data structures, but it's possible that basing references on something like might be a better fit.

jlmr 2021-03-21T09:27:43.015800Z

Thanks for the explanation! Funny, I’ve been looking at Pathom as well and have been trying to work out how to combine it with it membrane

jlmr 2021-03-21T09:28:09.016200Z

Not much progress there yet though 😬