Hi everybody, how are you dealing with microservices in a dev environment? For production environment there are lots of solutions approaches like deploying each microservice in a docker container and use some kind of docker orchestration i.e. Kubernetes, Swarm, etc but when it comes to development environment it is a unknown, nobody publishes any article about it - including the big players like netflix, spotify, etc
I'm using a not-so-good approach. For each project (set of microservices), I create a meta git repository which contains a docker-compose file and some configuration (database seed, readme.md with instructions of how to run the whole project, etc), usually it contains scripts to create database schemas for each microservice, avoid spawn a new database instance for each one
it works quite well when you have a limited amount of microservices, usually less than 10
after that you are going to need a lot of RAM
apart from that, docker consumes a lot of IO to run containers, so spawn more than 10 containers with a regular HD is not so pleasant
one of the guys of this channel uses a similar approach when it comes to have a meta project, however he groups all microservices into one and spawn just one JVM
how are you dealing with your microservices in a dev environment?