
mike_ananev 2016-03-05T18:59:59.000207Z

hello all! does anybody knows how to start only certain parts of the system, but replace some config states (in starting parts) by test configs?

dm3 2016-03-05T19:17:03.000208Z

does this help: ?

mike_ananev 2016-03-05T19:55:48.000210Z

no, it doesn't. start-with performs start all system

mike_ananev 2016-03-05T19:56:24.000211Z

i need start only ceratin namespaces but in starting namespaces i need swap config to test config

dm3 2016-03-05T20:33:51.000212Z

if you scroll a bit up there's Be Composing part

dm3 2016-03-05T20:34:08.000213Z

where you can specify which nses to start and which to substitute

dm3 2016-03-05T20:34:20.000214Z

(scroll the README, I mean)

mike_ananev 2016-03-05T21:04:49.000215Z

solved! key is new version of mount. i've used 0.1.9 but now exist 0.1.10 with new functionality

mike_ananev 2016-03-05T21:04:51.000216Z

(-> (only #{#'foo/a #'foo/b #'foo/c #'bar/d #'baz/e}) (with-args {:a 42}) (except [#'foo/c #'bar/d]) (swap-states {#'foo/a #'test/a}) (swap {#'baz/e {:datomic {:uri "datomic:<mem://composable-mount>"}}}) mount/start)