

If I have a simple component with a db start/stop, and it contains the conn var - is it good to keep query functions in there as well, or is it best practice that they be in a different namespace?

(defn connect []

(defstate conn :start (connect))

(defn query [stmt]
    (jdbc/query conn stmt))


I'm starting trying to figure out unit testing/mocking/etc with rebinding ( so i just wanted to make sure I'm not doing too much in the one namespace, or it's not composable, or it's just not idiomatic - I'm coming from python, fwiw

arnout 2016-04-22T12:04:02.000065Z

Binding in the proposed way has its downsides, especially when your code under test is multithreaded. Ideally the conn state can be mocked, and all the other code would use that mock. I'm not sure such a thing is available for JDBC. Using a test DB is not an option?

arnout 2016-04-22T12:04:21.000066Z

From a "mount" point of view, your code above looks fine.

arnout 2016-04-22T12:04:46.000067Z

Where you put the query function does not really matter, they can be defined in the same namespace.


arnout: thanks! is there a better alternative for mocking a db for unit tests? rebinding seems to be all i'm finding via google so far. i kinda figured there would be the "here's how to unit test a db-heavy app" tutorial somewhere, but maybe i'm not looking in the right places (insert "programmers are too reliant on google these days" rant)

arnout 2016-04-22T12:30:01.000069Z

I either use a test DB, or with Datomic, the Datalog queries can be performed on simple data structures.

arnout 2016-04-22T12:30:22.000070Z

(many, not all of them)

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:33:11.000071Z

@hoopes: you can swap your test db with real db via


haha, is that new? how did i miss that...thanks to both of you!


(i mean, that bit in the readme)

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:34:47.000075Z

readme is big, easy to miss :simple_smile:

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:34:54.000076Z

as to the query function, the idiomatic way is the one that makes most sense to you

arnout 2016-04-22T12:35:04.000077Z

Ah, I thought that you already knew that @hoopes, as that is what I meant with > Ideally the conn state can be mocked, and all the other code would use that mock. I'm not sure such a thing is available for JDBC.

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:35:31.000078Z

some prefer to have query in the same namespace as defstate db, which makes query kind of an API for db state

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:36:02.000079Z

some just use it in a functional package, usually then query would take db as arg to be stateless


right, that was what i felt like i read elsewhere - send all the stateful stuff in as arguments, instead of directly using conn in the query function

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:37:07.000081Z

but if you are ok with making the function (i.e. query) to close over conn state, this is also ok, as long as you understand the consequences

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:37:37.000082Z

yea, there are alternatives

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:38:23.000083Z

just try and see what works best for you. all these ways are good given the context

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:39:03.000084Z

and shoot more questions as you're doing it if they pop up


i really appreciate your help - i obviously have a bit more studying to do

tolitius 2016-04-22T12:39:22.000086Z

sure, no need to feel alone at it though 😉

aiba 2016-04-22T18:44:38.000088Z

Sanity check: is it reasonable to start a core.async/go-loop inside the :start of mount/defstate? e.g. `

aiba 2016-04-22T18:44:40.000089Z

`(mount/defstate my-queue :start (let [c (async/chan 1000)] (go-loop [] (try (my-consume (<! c)) (catch Throwable t (log/error t))) (recur)) c) :stop (let [n (count (.buf my-queue))] (when (pos? n) (log/warn "oops, dropped" n "items from queue"))))

aiba 2016-04-22T18:45:25.000090Z

(ugh sorry for formatting, apparently that slack setting is per slack team, not global)

aiba 2016-04-22T18:45:29.000091Z

(mount/defstate my-queue
  :start (let [c (async/chan 1000)]
           (go-loop []
             (try (my-consume (&lt;! c))
                  (catch Throwable t (log/error t)))
  :stop (let [n (count (.buf my-queue))]
          (when (pos? n)
            (log/warn "oops, dropped" n "items from queue"))))

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:03:14.000092Z

@aiba: the approach is good, but it does not seem you are closing the channel on :stop?

aiba 2016-04-22T19:04:36.000093Z

Yeah I wasn't sure what impact closing the channel would have if there are pending takes from the go-loop

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:04:37.000094Z

also go-loop returns another channel that will be always "recurring" since the exception is eaten in catch

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:05:44.000095Z

I guess it is use case specific, but maybe you'd want to try to exhaust the messages from the channel on :stop

aiba 2016-04-22T19:06:07.000096Z

yeah, i'd love to exhaust the messages, how would i do that?

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:06:10.000097Z

(but again, this would depend on the use case / need)

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:06:33.000098Z

would the producing side be stopped by this point?

aiba 2016-04-22T19:07:39.000099Z

great question, i would hope so. i mean, in production where not dropping things from the queue matters, i would hope that this state is never :stopped

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:08:58.000100Z

I see. yea it needs a bit more coordination thinking. for example, you can force producer to stop before this consumer by (mount/stop #'your.ns/producer)

aiba 2016-04-22T19:09:49.000101Z

ah, you'd call mount/stop on the producer's defstate from within the consumer's defstate's :stop

aiba 2016-04-22T19:09:54.000102Z

that's a good pattern to know about

aiba 2016-04-22T19:11:26.000103Z

ok i will look into the return value of go-loop and make sure to close the channel. thank you for the thoughts and verifying this is not a totally crazy approach!

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:20:28.000104Z

(sorry in the meeting): sure. I would not necessarily call (mount/stop #'your.ns/producer) from within a :stop method. rather call it from the place that shuts things down, whether this is a graceful shutdown or a some sort of last resort exception handler

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:21:12.000105Z

but the overall approach of having go-loop/channel as a state is very valid, since this is a stateful resource

tolitius 2016-04-22T19:21:30.000106Z

that needs to be started/created and stopped/closed