
tolitius 2016-05-23T18:33:30.000309Z

@settinghead: > is there a way to automatically figure out which states it depends on and auto start all of them no, mount would just start that particular state: i.e. (mount/start #'foo/bar) would only start #'foo/bar. mount does not keep a real dependency graph. it has certain things up its sleeve: but it mostly relies on compiler to figure out dependencies. what would be a use case you would need to start a state with all its previous states?


@tolitius: i’m actually trying to migrate a component-based system to a mount-based system. the approach i’m experimenting is write a new part of my app as mount states, with a component lifecycle wrapper around it (i.e. in my component’s start and stop functions would invoke (mount/start #'some-ns/some-state) and (mount/stop #'some-ns/some-state)


that’s why i was looking for dependency graph for #'some-ns/some-state, so that i can start everything it depends on first


the approach does look overly complicated. i’m currently running into runtime errors