Hi everyone! I have been playing with the nice nyse
example project and things were working fine. However when I now do dev=> (mount/start #'nyse.conf/config)
I'm getting this error message RuntimeException EOF while reading clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (Util.java:221)
. dev=> (tn/refresh-all)
is working fine. I only get the error when (mount/start #'nyse.conf/config) is involved. Any tips about how I could debug this?
the exception should also tell you which file fails to get read
try (pst)
or (.printStackTrace *e)
if you can't see the stacktrace
Thanks! When I do (pst)
I see this stacktrace: `dev=> (pst)
RuntimeException EOF while reading
clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (Util.java:221)
clojure.lang.EdnReader.readDelimitedList (EdnReader.java:674)
clojure.lang.EdnReader$MapReader.invoke (EdnReader.java:628)
clojure.lang.EdnReader.read (EdnReader.java:142)
clojure.lang.EdnReader.read (EdnReader.java:108)
clojure.lang.EdnReader.readString (EdnReader.java:64)
clojure.edn/read-string (edn.clj:46)
clojure.edn/read-string (edn.clj:45)
nyse.conf/load-config (conf.clj:9)
nyse.conf/eval32256/fn--32257 (conf.clj:14)
mount.core/record! (core.cljc:86)
mount.core/up/fn--11747 (core.cljc:93)
your config has syntax errors
wherever that is
awesome, thanks! that was it!!