Hello all, Why this don´t work?
(defn inicia []
(for [id (range 10)]
(println "ID => " id)))
(defstate shaper
:start (inicia) )
@fabrao: for
is lazy
dev=> (defn inicia [] (for [id (range 10)] (println "ID => " id)))
dev=> (defstate shaper :start (inicia))
">> starting.. #'dev/shaper (namespace was recompiled)"
dev=> shaper
ID => 0
ID => 1
ID => 2
ID => 3
ID => 4
ID => 5
ID => 6
ID => 7
ID => 8
ID => 9
(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
if you'd like to see results on start, use doseq
(defn inicia [] (doseq [id (range 10)] (println "ID => " id)))
@tolitius: well, I´d like to set the results to shaper, as for returns
you'd like shaper
to initialize to (nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
because that is what (for [id (range 10)] (println "ID => " id))
in case you just want a range
dev=> (defstate foo :start (range 10))
dev=> (mount/start #'dev/foo)
{:started ["#'dev/foo"]}
dev=> foo
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
I tried with overtone.at-at that creates a schedule object, but I had to call shaper in repl to processes starting up
that´s because I tried with println, to see if the prints out
what would you like shaper
to be once started?
I read the config from file that define devices to monitoring, from config file that returns a list of devices, on each I want to start a schedule with overtone.at-at
(for [device (:device config)]
[nome-device (name (key device))
conf-device ((key device) (:device config))
cadencia (Integer. (:cadencia (:shaper conf-device)))]
(log/debug (str "Iniciando processo Traffic Shaper para " nome-device))
(at/every (* cadencia 1000) #(processo-shaper nome-device conf-device storage) pool :desc nome-device :fixed-delay true)))
right, so for
is lazy, if you'd like them to be scheduled when this expression is called, use doseq
ok, so I have to include the instances in a list to return
I´ll try with doseq
ok, so you want this list of futures?
yes, because in :stop the schedules jobs must be stoped
dev=> (defn inicia []
(doall (for [id (range 10)]
(let [foo 42]
(println "ID => " id)
(+ id foo)))))
dev=> (defstate fooz :start (inicia))
dev=> (mount/start #'dev/fooz)
ID => 0
ID => 1
ID => 2
ID => 3
ID => 4
ID => 5
ID => 6
ID => 7
ID => 8
ID => 9
{:started ["#'dev/fooz"]}
dev=> fooz
(42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51)
HUMMMMMM, I´ll try it
realizes lazy seqs
the problem was I didn´t know that lazy seqs don´t work with mount start, thanks a lot 4 ur help
sure. lazy seqs work with mount/start
i.e. a state becomes a lazy seq. but in your case you do not need a lazy seq, since you'd like these calls to every
executed as the function is called.
I changed including doall and it works, thanks for your help
sure, glad it works for you 🙂
A question, if a start blocks in a loop, the starting system will freeze up?
right, a start function should return
otherwise the state will not/never have the value until the loop is done