if I’ve got states A and B, A uses B in its start, when I start state A, state B doesn’t get started… what is the reason for that?
@roklenarcic you can start all with (mount/start)
or you can do (mount/start #'foo/a #'foo/b)
when you start a state individually (mount/start #'foo/a)
it only focuses on a state specified and does not affect other states
so if I want to start the web server, but not scheduled jobs for instance, I have to manually list all the dependencies?
you can start all except
a "scheduler" state: https://github.com/tolitius/mount#composing-states
or if you don't need to compose them: https://github.com/tolitius/mount#start-an-application-without-certain-states
right, so I need to list scheduler and dependencies that it uses but web server doesn’t use in except
I assume same principle applies, putting just scheduler in except will only skip that one, not it’s dependencies
correct. how many states do you need to exclude?
usually it's from one to just a few, otherwise it might be an indicator to remove number of stateful things
this depends of course, but if states are kept low level (connections, tread pools, listeners, servers, etc..) there are just not as many of them in a given application