nrepl ||
spiralganglion 2018-06-28T21:35:24.000078Z

I'm hitting this error: Exception in thread "main" Could not locate clojure/tools/nrepl__init.class or clojure/tools/nrepl.clj on classpath., compiling:(cider/piggieback.clj:1:1)

spiralganglion 2018-06-28T21:35:47.000374Z

I'm assuming this has to do with the recently changed namespace for nREPL — I'm using nREPL 0.4.1 and piggieback 0.3.6, building with the Clojure CLI.

spiralganglion 2018-06-28T21:37:03.000294Z

@bozhidar — would you kindly let me know if Piggieback still needs to be switched over to use the new nREPL ns, or if perhaps this issue is related to something else? 🙇

spiralganglion 2018-06-28T21:59:41.000291Z

(FWIW: Rolling back to nREPL 0.3.1 works fine.)