@cfleming Yep.
It’s 100% backwards compatible.
@bozhidar Thanks! Sorry, I should have RTFM.
Does nrepl.new actually use any Clojure 1.8 features? I’m running 1.7 since I’m on a fork and I’ve been lazy to rebase.
No, it doesn’t.
It works on Clojure 1.7 just fine.
I was just curios if someone will complain about this, as I noticed in the State of Clojure survey that over 6 months ago the usage of 1.7 was under 5%.
Yeah, I’m a special case there.
Just confirmed that actually the current codebase works fine with Clojure 1.5. 😄
I could update, I’d just have to rebase and merge and I’m lazy since there’s nothing in later versions that I need.
I’m definitely 1.5 compatible 🙂
I’ll add 1.7 to the build matrix especially for you.
I’ll update sooner or later, but no pressing need right now.
Ok, I’ll try to get this into my next release - it should be pretty trivial for me.
@cfleming The build matrix and the manual were updated https://travis-ci.org/nrepl/nREPL
> Ok, I’ll try to get this into my next release - it should be pretty trivial for me.
I’m looking so much to the day where everyone’s on the new nREPL and we can just focus on polishing it. 🙂