@pez What’s the failure?
> Exception in thread "nREPL-worker-2" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :send of protocol: #'clojure.tools.nrepl.transport/Transport found for class: nrepl.transport.FnTransport
According to this stacktrace you’ve got a mixture of tools.nrepl and nrepl in your project.
Are you sure you don’t have tools.nrepl
somewhere in its dependency tree?
@bozhidar The failure related to the :repl-options
map in the project file?
You're right, it says tools.nrepl
right there. I'll print out the dependency tree and see if I can see it lurking around there. But I really shouldn't have that. I used the broomstick to chase everything like that out!
It must be there, otherwise you can’t get such a stacktrace.
As for the :repl-options
problem - I don’t know.
I don’t have time to play with lein master myself. I just use the lein-nrepl
plugin instead.
When using that plugin my user namespace didn't load as it does with a ”normal” repl.
I got in a hurry since I had been thinking Calva was ready for 0.4.5 and now when you made me see that I hadn't even tested that, I want to make it as painless as possible for the users when leiningen upgrades and 0.4.5 starts to be used.
What’s in your user.clj
, btw?
That’s often the reason for problems like yours.
In the project I tried the plugin with, user.clj
contains just this:
(ns routing-example.user
(:use [figwheel-sidecar.repl-api :as ra]))
(defn start []
(ra/cljs-repl "dev"))
(defn stop []
I’ll have to check figwheel-sidecar deps then. Likely it’s pulling the wrong version of nREPL.
Yep, that’s messing everything up. If you remove this file all will be good.
This loads tools.nrepl, which makes cider-nrepl believe you’re using tools.nrepl
(as it checks if it’s loaded to decide which nREPL version to use).
I’m pretty sure everything will work fine for you without this file.