nrepl ||
devth 2019-03-14T17:08:08.022Z

i'm trying to upgrade to latest: - lein 2.9.1 - nrepl 0.6.0 - cider/cider-nrepl 0.21.1 repl is blowing up in my project :thinking_face:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve var: cider.nrepl/wrap-apropos in t
his context
        at clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException(
        at clojure.lang.Compiler$TheVarExpr$Parser.parse(
        at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
Error loading cider.nrepl: Syntax error compiling at (nrepl/middleware/caught.clj:1:1).

devth 2019-03-14T17:08:27.022100Z

i looked at my lein deps :tree to verify only nrepl 0.6.0 is present

devth 2019-03-14T17:09:05.022300Z

~/.lein/profiles specifies:

:dependencies [[nrepl "0.6.0"]]
  :plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.21.1"]

devth 2019-03-14T17:16:07.022500Z

Leiningen 2.9.1 on Java 11.0.1 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM

devth 2019-03-14T17:22:40.022700Z

solution: lein clean 🤦

bozhidar 2019-03-14T20:36:36.022900Z


bozhidar 2019-03-14T20:36:42.023100Z

Well, that was easy.

🙂 1