nrepl ||
bozhidar 2019-03-27T06:16:38.101200Z

@cfleming That’s the first time I see such an error. That new var is simply a way for tools like Lein to print properly the nREPL url now that it has more transports (before all tools had hardcoded nrepl://). The var was actually added in nREPL 0.5.

bozhidar 2019-03-27T06:19:17.102200Z

What’s his piggieback version? Your user should be on 0.4 for things to work properly.

cfleming 2019-03-27T09:09:57.102700Z

@bozhidar Actually, it’s not the first time you’ve seen it :-):

cfleming 2019-03-27T09:10:34.103600Z

I’m waiting for some details on his setup, such as piggieback version.

cfleming 2019-03-27T09:19:10.103900Z

I’ll let him know that 0.4 is what he should be using.

bozhidar 2019-03-27T09:20:43.104900Z

> It’s different here - he injected an older version of nREPL when Lein expected a newer one. I think you mentioned your user was on 0.6, that’s why I can imagine how this can be missing.

cfleming 2019-03-27T09:25:57.106100Z

Yeah, I don’t know much about his setup - he just said it’s a CLJS project and he gets the error at startup. But I think the fact that Cursive has upgraded the nREPL it uses is misleading, since if he’s using lein that version won’t be used anyway, it’ll be whatever lein is using.

cfleming 2019-03-27T09:27:22.107Z

I suspect that upgrading Cursive will have caused him to use a later leiningen, which is incompatible with whatever piggieback he’s using, but I’m not sure yet.

cfleming 2019-03-27T09:40:44.107600Z

Awesome, problem was fixed by upgrading nREPL and Piggieback.

bozhidar 2019-03-27T10:21:36.107800Z


bozhidar 2019-03-27T10:22:43.108500Z

How does Cursive start nREPL itself, btw? It doesn’t use any build tool and sorts out the projects deps itself?

cfleming 2019-03-27T10:24:15.110100Z

That’s used when someone wants a REPL in a project that’s not managed by something like lein that will start a REPL for you. So things like Gradle or Maven, or a manually configured project. Then, right, Cursive will use the IntelliJ classpath and just add nREPL to it, and then inject an init script which starts the server.

bozhidar 2019-03-27T10:33:22.110400Z

Understood. That sounds neat!

cfleming 2019-03-27T10:34:16.111Z

Yeah, I use it a lot since I use Gradle a fair bit for mixed Clojure/Kotlin projects (Cursive itself, in particular).

bozhidar 2019-03-27T11:47:47.112Z

I haven’t used Gradle since my days as a Java programmer. 🙂