nrepl ||
pez 2019-05-03T06:39:38.133900Z

Now I also noticed I have this error from Figwheel lurking in the terminal where I started the REPL:

[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Exception: Could not locate nrepl/impl/docs__init.class or nrepl/impl/docs.clj on classpath.
[Figwheel:SEVERE] Could not locate nrepl/impl/docs__init.class or nrepl/impl/docs.clj on classpath.
[Figwheel:WARNING] Couldn't load Clojure file   src/clojure/nrepl/core.clj   line:222  column:1

  No such var: transport/edn

  217      [uri]
  218      (apply connect (mapcat identity
  219                             (merge connect-defaults
  220                                    (socket-info uri))))))
  222  (add-socket-connect-method! "nrepl+edn" {:transport-fn transport/edn
  223                                           :port 7888})
  224  (add-socket-connect-method! "nrepl" {:transport-fn transport/bencode
  225                                       :port 7888})
  226  (add-socket-connect-method! "telnet" {:transport-fn transport/tty})

[Figwheel:SEVERE] java.lang.RuntimeException: No such var: transport/edn
Don't know if it is significant, but it sure looks a bit suspicious.

bozhidar 2019-05-03T06:50:19.134900Z

That’s weird. This certainly exists on master, I assume in happens when you’re testing with it, right?

pez 2019-05-03T06:56:41.135200Z

I am testing with master, right.

pez 2019-05-03T06:59:44.136500Z

No, sorry. Checking that again, that came when testing from the 0.6.0 branch.

bozhidar 2019-05-03T09:42:37.137100Z

But 0.6 doesn’t have such a method, so I wonder how a reference to it came into being.

pez 2019-05-03T09:59:24.137800Z

It could have been me who didn't reload the server cleanly enough.