nrepl ||
stathissideris 2019-06-21T13:56:03.001100Z


stathissideris 2019-06-21T13:57:33.002700Z

I tried:

» clj -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl {:mvn/version "0.7.0-alpha1"}}}'
Clojure 1.10.0
user=> (require '[nrepl.server :refer [start-server stop-server]])
user=> (defonce server (start-server :bind "localhost" :port 4001))
and then from emacs (with Cider 0.21.0): M-x cider-jack-in When typing (+ 1 1) in the resulting REPL I get: error in process filter: 'nil' requires the nREPL op "classpath" (provided by cider-nrepl) and the resulting “ticker” running forever

stathissideris 2019-06-21T13:57:47.003100Z

also happens with nrepl 0.6.0

stathissideris 2019-06-21T13:58:02.003500Z

(the result never gets printed)

bozhidar 2019-06-21T13:58:51.004200Z

@stathissideris I think this was a bug that’s fixed on the current master of CIDER. Basically it didn’t work without cider-nrepl without that fix.

stathissideris 2019-06-21T13:59:09.004500Z

ok, thanks, good to know 🙂