Do Cider (and other editors) implement support for nREPL over HTTP using drawbridge?
If so, how does that work? I’d assumed Cider had an elisp nREPL client, but if it does then I assume it can’t use drawbridge.
No. I don't think so.
I don't think the alternative protocols get much love.
I'm not sure what uses drawbridge really
There was an Eclipse extension using it, iirc. Forgot the name of it now...
CounterClockwise, probably
Yes, that’s the name. Is anyone using Eclipse for Clojure hacking these days, you think?
It has been dead for years.
> I’m not sure what uses drawbridge really
Most notably Leiningen. 🙂
> Do Cider (and other editors) implement support for nREPL over HTTP using drawbridge?
@cfleming To my knowledge no editor does this.
> If so, how does that work? I’d assumed Cider had an elisp nREPL client, but if it does then I assume it can’t use drawbridge. Basically you need to send the same requests/process the same responses over HTTP. Drawbridge itself would be transparent to the clients, but the overhead of dealing with HTTP is overkill for most clients I guess. A few users requested support for this in Emacs over the years, but the only real use-case was to debug remote apps, which they can easily do over an ssh tunnel as well.
The main use case that has been requested for Cursive is to have a REPL exposed with better auth control.
I’m actually having problems getting drawbridge to work. When I connect, new-session just hangs. I can get a client and a transport, but I can’t see why that should be the case.
@bozhidar AFAICT, all lein does to support drawbridge is to (require 'drawbridge.client)
when connecting to a URL, is that right?