nrepl ||
cfleming 2019-10-15T08:16:12.021900Z

Do Cider (and other editors) implement support for nREPL over HTTP using drawbridge?

cfleming 2019-10-15T08:17:17.022600Z

If so, how does that work? I’d assumed Cider had an elisp nREPL client, but if it does then I assume it can’t use drawbridge.

dominicm 2019-10-15T09:49:48.024300Z

No. I don't think so.

dominicm 2019-10-15T09:50:01.024700Z

I don't think the alternative protocols get much love.

shen 2019-10-15T10:33:56.025100Z

I'm not sure what uses drawbridge really

pez 2019-10-15T11:21:40.025700Z

There was an Eclipse extension using it, iirc. Forgot the name of it now...

cfleming 2019-10-15T20:04:25.026Z

CounterClockwise, probably

pez 2019-10-15T20:16:50.027600Z

Yes, that’s the name. Is anyone using Eclipse for Clojure hacking these days, you think?

bozhidar 2019-10-15T21:07:26.027800Z

It has been dead for years.

bozhidar 2019-10-15T21:07:53.028300Z

> I’m not sure what uses drawbridge really

bozhidar 2019-10-15T21:08:01.028600Z

Most notably Leiningen. 🙂

bozhidar 2019-10-15T21:08:16.028800Z

> Do Cider (and other editors) implement support for nREPL over HTTP using drawbridge?

bozhidar 2019-10-15T21:08:44.029200Z

@cfleming To my knowledge no editor does this.

bozhidar 2019-10-15T21:10:31.031100Z

> If so, how does that work? I’d assumed Cider had an elisp nREPL client, but if it does then I assume it can’t use drawbridge. Basically you need to send the same requests/process the same responses over HTTP. Drawbridge itself would be transparent to the clients, but the overhead of dealing with HTTP is overkill for most clients I guess. A few users requested support for this in Emacs over the years, but the only real use-case was to debug remote apps, which they can easily do over an ssh tunnel as well.

cfleming 2019-10-15T21:11:17.031900Z

The main use case that has been requested for Cursive is to have a REPL exposed with better auth control.

cfleming 2019-10-15T21:12:06.032800Z

I’m actually having problems getting drawbridge to work. When I connect, new-session just hangs. I can get a client and a transport, but I can’t see why that should be the case.

cfleming 2019-10-15T21:14:42.033700Z

@bozhidar AFAICT, all lein does to support drawbridge is to (require 'drawbridge.client) when connecting to a URL, is that right?