@bozhidar: thoughts on using more modern dev-time tooling for nREPL?
I'm thinking of kaocha in particular
as long as we have zero runtime deps, and runtime compatibility back to Clojure 1.7, that should be fine right?
@shen Yeah, totally!
Dev dependencies are not really an issue - we have to be careful only on the runtime side.
ok. it only works with clojure 1.9+, but for the CI matrix, we should still be able to use lein run
for older versions
so, got most of the dynamic middleware thing working. just trying to figure out dependencies between the modules.
e.g. sideloader depends on session, and both sits downstream
from the dynamic loader (which is not really a middleware), so need to think of a clean way for it to have access to those capabilities without having everything entwined
Fine by me.
Looking forward to see what you’ve come up with!
quite excited. this should allow cider-connect
to do almost as much as cider-jack-in
That’s the dream!