nrepl ||
Misha Bohdan 2020-05-05T08:41:41.073500Z

Hello! I’m trying to adopt drawbridge to my project. I’ve done all the same way as described at README, but got next error

<|>.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate drawbridge/client__init.class, drawbridge/client.clj or drawbridge/client.cljc on classpath.
 at clojure.lang.RT.load (
` How can it be fixed?

Misha Bohdan 2020-05-05T09:09:33.073800Z

Solution found: just added dependency to the ~/.lein/profiles.clj

Eugen 2020-05-05T10:50:07.074Z

yes, the error means that the library is not found - if it is added, a restart should do the trick. I get this in InterlliJ with gradle

Eugen 2020-05-05T10:50:14.074200Z

I have to restart the repl