Hi there !! I have recently written a clojure app using lein + compojure + clj-http and created an uberjar. Now wondering if i can enable the nrepl on the built jar file? Something like - having an api endpoint to start/stop nrepl inside the uberjar. That will help me debug issue in the built jar file when it interacts with test data. P.S.: I am doing this in my UAT environment debugging and Production will be getting rid of this (security concerns).
@holyjak you mentioned the approach, in that case service is running with clj.
some more details related to this in thread here https://clojurians.slack.com/archives/C03S1KBA2/p1600600378139500
Just start nrepl server in your -main - https://nrepl.org/nrepl/usage/server.html#embedding-nrepl I :bind to since localhost is the default I believe
thanks for the response. Did the changes and updated the thread. There was silly code mistake and that was leading to failure. Now resolved and achieved it.