
qqq 2017-05-31T10:06:59.472088Z

@blueberry : have you seen situations where bad calls in jcuda crashes the entire jvm ?

qqq 2017-05-31T10:07:18.476202Z

I'm running into this issue alot recently, and it's submoptimal as it forces ms to wait + start a new repl and really reduceds on ability to experiment quickly


you can prevent this by using ClojureCUDA, which offers safe functions.

qqq 2017-05-31T11:01:47.142639Z

(JCublas2/cublasSetPointerMode cublas-handle cublasPointerMode/CUBLAS_POINTER_MODE_DEVICE) <-- lacking that one line cause cublasSdot to crash

qqq 2017-05-31T11:02:18.149103Z

@blueberry : clojureCuda doesn't wrap cuBlas/cuDnn yet, does it ?

qqq 2017-05-31T11:02:22.149723Z

I need both of those libraries


neanderthal has a cuBlas engine

qqq 2017-05-31T11:45:20.646626Z

@blueberry: oh wow, was this just added in 0.11 ?


that's right

qqq 2017-05-31T22:39:59.659769Z

@blueberry: does "cudastreams" play well with "cublas" ?

qqq 2017-05-31T22:40:16.662892Z

if so, how do you handle it in neandertheral ? do you break up big matcies into smaller pieces that you can put into different cudastreams ?

qqq 2017-05-31T23:25:23.141225Z

is there any support for doing elementwise exp on the gpu ?

qqq 2017-05-31T23:25:31.142543Z

or with neanderthal, I have to write a custom cuda kernel for that?


that is a trivial kernel to write in clojurecuda.


i didn't want to clutter neanderthal with a bunch of kernels for every possible simple mathematical function.