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I find the ml family (eg. ml, ocaml, haskel, zig ...) much simpler and more consistent than most algol family languages (algol, c, java. javascript ...)


rebol has an interesting approach to extension (you can make new syntaxes for domains, eg. <> and <|> are valid data literals for URL and email


I can't vouch for it thought, I haven't used it in anger

indy 2020-11-09T04:26:22.367600Z

I’m going to take a look at m-expressions and TCL. I have dabbled with Haskell a bit and found it neat before I discovered lisp. And @noisesmith and @smith.adriane since you’re already here, which languages have you found “joyful”? Clojure’s syntax, the editing experience with parinfer/paredit and the REPL give me this state of flow where there is little barrier between thought and code. Wondering if there is any other language that helps one achieve that. I’ve done TS/JS, some Haskell, some python. Python came the closest but still pretty far from the experience Clojure gives.