I recall having a discussion over here about replacements to oh my zsh. I recalled zplug, but I think there was another one. What are people using on top of zsh, if anything?
I am using prezto: https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto
This one seems popular and advertises itself as really fast https://github.com/starship/starship
prompt not package thing
What's wrong with oh-my-zsh? Works well for me. I'm thinking of trying fish shell for a while, with oh-my-fish.
Its pretty slow to boot new shells, in my experience
happy with zgen + powerlevel10k
oh-my-zsh is pretty forkable, one can start from there and then ruthlessly rm undesired stuff (I haven't particularly needed to, but I forked in 2014 so I literally don't know if it's slower now)
not being a fan of βframeworksβ in general, this is the only thing i use to customize my zsh prompt: https://github.com/sindresorhus/pure
Cool, thanks all!
Back pain is the worst, lying here barely able to move . Even getting up to go get some water is exhausting. Guess I'm getting old, phantom recurring back pain...
Its shocking how many films on amazon prime still have no closed captions / subtitles. Even newer films.
Is it ok if I just share a π€¦ but not why? This saves us all a bit of time, doesn't it.
Im not sure if 40 is old. But back pain strikes me regularly !
I'll be 40 this year!
Me too, in a week...
Ooh, fun idea: a channel with #issues where everyone reacts with π€¦ and when they get fixed and announced in #announcements or #releases, then the π€¦ turn into π