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Question: Is there any Clojure(Script) implementation of something close to what CodeMirror does?

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:01:33.072Z

@vincent.cantin, check out

seancorfield 2021-02-26T05:02:08.072700Z

That's not really CM -- which is in-browser -- but Liquid is very cool (as a vi-like editor).

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:02:29.073100Z

I believe liquid also runs in the browser

seancorfield 2021-02-26T05:02:52.073300Z

Oh, that must be new.

seancorfield 2021-02-26T05:03:42.073900Z

I don't see any indication of that in the README? Liquid was purely Clojure/JVM last I looked.

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:04:07.074600Z

maybe I'm crazy


I see some CLJC files, but not clear direction on how to use it in a browser.

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:04:38.075600Z

I thought I remembered seeing a cljs example somewhere


I think that Liquid is only for Clojure source code, it does not support other languages.

dpsutton 2021-02-26T05:10:37.076700Z

i've used CM from cljs. there's an example of it as well from

dpsutton 2021-02-26T05:11:04.077400Z

not sure if that addresses your question or not. but if you're finding something amenable for use from cljs it works


I used CM 3 years ago to make a TIS-100 editor and I did not like its JS API. Now I am fully used to Clojure, I don’t want to go back to CM, hence my question.

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:13:53.079200Z

fwiw, liquid does run in the browser


I will try to reuse this code snippet. Thank you.

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:17:02.081Z

Liquid is very hackable and supports extension. So while it doesn't have other language modes, it would be possible to extend it.

seancorfield 2021-02-26T05:17:40.081500Z

Ah, the in-browser version is new-since-I-last-looked-at-it 🙂

seancorfield 2021-02-26T05:18:19.081900Z

I think Liquid is a fascinating project!

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:18:40.082Z

I think this is the code

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:18:57.082400Z

I agree!


I found a Clojure mode for CM v6, will give it a try instead.

phronmophobic 2021-02-26T05:29:00.084800Z

I've been using Liquid for my UI projects. If you don't mind including a JS implementation (like Rhino) it's possible to reuse codemirror modes for syntax highlighting. The deeper integrations from codemirror modes are less reusable.

mogenslund 2021-02-26T07:05:33.089700Z

Hi. Just to clearify. The new liquid does not run in the browser. The old did. It is not difficult to implement again as a server. It sort of boils down to sending keypresses from the browser to the server, receiving a list of changed characters in the view back. I also, at some point build a version (also old), that could run directly in the browser. It does not have "eval" and it does no perform well, so it should be regarded as an experiment and not a solution for anything. I think real multi-threading is what makes it perform on the JVM. You can handle drawing without blocking input 🙂

borkdude 2021-02-26T07:33:17.090400Z

Yeah I’ve been meaning to take a look at that new one

Stefan 2021-02-26T07:43:57.091500Z

Hi all, I remember seeing at some point a link to a shared calendar that contains all Clojure community events. Unfortunately I lost it and can’t find it anymore. Does anyone have the link lying around? Thanks!

eval2020 2021-03-02T20:49:07.127Z

@stefan.van.den.oord was it this announcement?

Stefan 2021-03-02T20:52:25.127800Z

Yes it was, thank you!! 🙏

Stefan 2021-03-03T10:51:52.129600Z

@eval2020 Did it maybe stop working? I don’t get any events after last weekend…

eval2020 2021-03-04T12:51:01.153Z

@stefan.van.den.oord it’s a crowd-sourced calendar 🙂 I just added a couple of new events from the London Clojure meetup

orestis 2021-02-26T08:20:01.092600Z

@vincent.cantin Just curious, is CM not suitable for you? FWIW the author is writing pretty sensible APIs and has worked on these problems for quite a long time.


I saw it and will use it. The code editor will be a hiccup-based css playground.


I can't help referring to a line in Imagine song adaptation in my project's homepage 😂


From memory (I used it 3 years ago), I had the feeling that the error reporting and auto completion could be done in a more automated way, for example based on a grammar. Maybe that's what is coming in CM v6


From a practical point of view, it still does what I need to do, no problem.