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javahippie 2021-04-04T09:07:44.036100Z

Which tools (Edit: software, workflows, notations) do you use to document your software visually? I’d like to document how data flows through my application and how it is transformed, as it becomes more and complex. Some parts of UML could be helpful, but it does not look like a dream team to me

alpox 2021-04-04T09:09:12.036700Z

I didn't do too much software documentation but throughout university was my friend for diagrams and visualisations

javahippie 2021-04-04T09:11:58.036800Z is a great tool, I agree 🙂

flowthing 2021-04-04T16:00:37.037500Z

I'm not sure whether it's an improvement over UML for your use case, but I've really grown to like Graphviz for things like that. I really like it that I don't actually have to draw anything, I can just type foo -> bar into a text file and that's it.


I prefer documenting software right alongside code so that it's easier to keep them in sync. My current workflow is to use markdown paired custom renderers like mermaid-js for diagrams. It covers most of the usual diagrams.

Shantanu Kumar 2021-04-04T19:30:31.038400Z

There's also PlantUML that integrates with Lein: and several editors e.g. IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, VSCode, Emacs etc. PlantUML is text-based UML, and relatively easier to keep with the source code.

hindol 2021-04-04T19:39:53.040Z

Do any of you use Google Sheets as a backend for your app? Is this a common practice? I am thinking about using a Google Sheet as a sync server for a todo app.

emil0r 2021-04-05T07:50:28.044700Z

I had to take over a website that used Google spreadsheet as the backoffice. It worked for simple stuff. It broke horribly once you got complex data that you need to handle

solf 2021-04-05T08:46:18.045Z

I’m definitely thinking about simple stuff. Maybe 6-7 columns total, no crazy joints or anything.

paulocuneo 2021-04-04T20:00:40.040100Z

pen and paper ?