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I’m new to Clojure and just discovered I’m looking for blog posts etc. showing how to use it to create diagrams, bar charts, that sort of thing.


I’d also be happy to use any REPL driven way to create charts - doesn’t have to use REBL

dpsutton 2021-05-06T03:55:17.018800Z

i think reveal has some charting capacity <>

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This looks like a great fit!


Any good plotting/charting/graphing libraries in case I grow out of what Reveal offers?

alexmiller 2021-05-06T04:28:56.020600Z

REBL does charting (uses JavaFX)

alexmiller 2021-05-06T04:31:41.021500Z

in Java land, JFreeChart is the classic one to use (you have to pay for the dev guide which some people find annoying), but XChart has gained some traction too

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simongray 2021-05-06T06:49:46.022100Z

For anyone doing HTML, this article is pretty nice:

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walterl 2021-05-06T19:02:43.050700Z

Almost all of those were new to me 🤯

hindol 2021-05-06T10:48:47.023700Z

Not sure where this fits, but Microsoft now has a build of OpenJDK with long term support.

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craftybones 2021-05-06T10:56:32.025500Z

Please have a look at Vega and Oz!

craftybones 2021-05-06T10:56:56.025700Z


Looks beautiful! Thanks!

gklijs 2021-05-06T12:32:47.027100Z

For example see using Oz and Vega. Pretty easy API, and lots of options.

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Ben Sless 2021-05-06T13:17:28.028600Z

A. LTS B. Responsibility, see the "mystery meat jdk build" with Debian

vncz 2021-05-06T13:19:10.029300Z

What do you mean by LTS? Doesn’t AdoptOpenJdk provides the same?

Ben Sless 2021-05-06T13:21:51.029500Z

Some providers could theoretically guarantee support past the end of official LTS

Ben Sless 2021-05-06T13:22:10.029700Z

Backporting patches themselves, etc

vncz 2021-05-06T13:27:25.029900Z

Ok understood. While I see the argument, I still find it kinda of a PR rather than something really useful

hindol 2021-05-06T13:29:26.030100Z

It is not PR. Microsoft is using Java more and more internally so it makes sense for them to have a build they control. The general public benefits by having another alternative.

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borkdude 2021-05-06T13:39:40.030400Z

I think it's good to see that Microsoft has interest in Java. It makes the platform stronger if it's not solely carried forward by a single vendor.

vncz 2021-05-06T13:57:50.030700Z

It is surely not going to hurt anybody, that’s granted. My question was more like why shall I care about yet another build that is from the exact same sources

Ben Sless 2021-05-06T14:13:29.030900Z

First, even being built nominally from the same sources is not a guarantee of the build's contents

Ben Sless 2021-05-06T14:14:44.031100Z

Second, Java 11 is planned for support until 2026. Some vendors will probably wish to extend it

Ben Sless 2021-05-06T14:15:16.031300Z

Third, there are certainly PR elements and "embrace" in play

vncz 2021-05-06T14:35:25.031500Z

I see I see

dpsutton 2021-05-06T14:59:28.032Z

anyone finding it harder to learn and/or work on projects after work? Got good suggestions to reset?

teodorlu 2021-05-07T08:15:31.083900Z

Take long walks 🙂

Thomas Moerman 2021-05-07T10:12:29.084700Z

A few thoughts: • listen to your body: if you are too tired for creative work, don't try to force it, prioritize getting rest or more hours of sleep first • hammock time is possible in many shapes and forms: personally I like riding my bicycle a few hours or do some gardening to vent the ole' brain. I guess activities like painting or building Lego models are also good for allowing the background brain to work while focusing the active brain on a simple task • exercise is paramount to clear your body of stress hormones, you may want to flush these out before doing creative work • spend time in sunlight or outdoors, personally i get brainfog from too much chair-time • optimize office/creative space for silence (if you're an introvert) and good air • radically prune your twitter/facebook feeds, don't consume content that gets under your skin • it's OK not to be super-productive all the time :thumbsup:


last point definitely should comes first )

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Doing something monotonic works for me. Cooking or cleaning for example


The only requirements - it must not be anything creative

dpsutton 2021-05-06T15:04:15.032500Z

stop trying to spend creative energy all the time? fall back to some activity that is more rote but enjoyable?

Ben Sless 2021-05-06T15:12:05.032700Z

Is it possible there have been circumstances changes in your life? Are you dealing with more stress for some reason?

dpsutton 2021-05-06T15:18:02.032900Z

not really. just drudgery of pandemic, etc

Ben Sless 2021-05-06T15:24:36.033100Z

First, it's okay to take a break. Nothing wrong with just taking it easy at the end of the day for a few weeks. Second, try some inspiring reading material which will make you want to tinker and experiment. A good talk, paper or book which makes you say "I want to try implementing that"


I don’t really have a scientific explanation for it, but I find that to the extent I’m able to abstain from scrolling on social media (especially Twitter), I feel more energetic and less “sapped” in the evenings. TikTok is the exception because a little bit of that can be hilarious/invigorating.

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Ben Sless 2021-05-06T15:44:49.033600Z

Social media is pretty much designed to make you miserable. We already know it's designed to capture attention. All research on consumer spending shows unhappy people tend to consume more. Draw your own conclusions on what they're incentivised to promote and foster

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seancorfield 2021-05-06T16:03:11.034Z

A big ol’ for avoiding “doom scrolling” on social media. I only check Twitter/Facebook at lunch time and dinner time and otherwise stay off it a lot more than I used to. As for learning and what my wife refers to as “play work” (as opposed to the “work work” I do during the day), I have definitely found it a bit harder to get motivated around some of that. I’ve taken to taking full days off work and I make myself relax/read/do chores (something mindless) in the morning and then sitting down after lunch and spending a couple of focused hours on whatever “play work” I want in the afternoon. That way I can sleep in if I need to but still treat the afternoon as “work” and then step away from it at dinner time.

seancorfield 2021-05-06T16:05:02.034200Z

I’ve also started to set aside one afternoon each weekend for “play work” / learning. I don’t do it every weekend, but most weekends I’ll spend 2-3 focused hours either Saturday or Sunday after brunch, away from the TV, and away from social media. This past weekend I read Zach Tellman’s “Elements of Clojure” end-to-end again to try to soak more of it up.

seancorfield 2021-05-06T16:05:49.034400Z

But, definitely, the unceasing drudgery of the pandemic is getting to even the most introverted of us at this point 😐


I find it more enjoyable to work on projects after work, its getting through the working day that is difficult!


But when I do want to get away from programming stuff, I like lego. Yes, I'm an adult... but still, building a bit lego thing is pretty great. It's almost mindless but still quite fun / interesting.

craftybones 2021-05-06T16:15:00.035Z

One other thing I’d recommend is to not get yourself down if you can only make very little progress. That steady progress, even a line of code is a lot better than just giving up on it. So if you can even add a comment, I’d recommend that.

craftybones 2021-05-06T16:17:02.035200Z

After having played music for almost my entire life, I stopped practicing for a year and I don’t regret it


I think that’s a great tip. Another one I heard a while back, which seems to work with me, is to deliberately leave some little “known” thing unfinished when you stop for the day or night. Like, you could easily just fix that bug and get the test passing before closing the laptop. But if you leave it for the next time, then when you pick it up again, you’ll immediately have something easy you can fix to build up momentum (since often times, just getting started is the hardtest part).


Yeah, I find that helps me. If I'm not motivated then break down what I want to achieve into small tasks, sometimes very very small tasks. • Create a git repo. • Create an empty project. • blah • Blah But make sure at least one of the tasks is something that I can achieve RIGHT NOW in a few minutes. If the a few of them are like that then great, it's a way to get started. I can tick them off my todo list, which I keep in emacs and I find that sort of motivates me to keep going

dpsutton 2021-05-06T16:18:10.035800Z

I saw something on twitter the other day that i liked. How we turned the point of hobbies to be really good at them instead of enjoying doing them. I've been trying to run more often and just enjoy it. Kinda fits with the mindless thing as well

Ben Sless 2021-05-06T16:45:51.036Z

Running is excellent for putting your conscious worries on the back burner and endorphins

Jacques Leupin 2021-05-06T16:53:55.036200Z

I’ve recently started intermittent fasting (simply skipping breakfast and eating a late lunch). It’s made working on projects/learning easier for because I have more energy throughout the day and am less sleepy after eating.

Jacques Leupin 2021-05-06T16:54:39.036400Z

The early literature on intermittent fasting also suggests other health benefits:

Jacques Leupin 2021-05-06T16:55:03.036600Z

Stanislav K. 2021-05-06T16:58:10.036800Z

@dpsutton I got a work laptop from my employer. I just close it and open my personal laptop immediately and crunch out 1 hour for my personal projects after my work hours are finished.

dpsutton 2021-05-06T16:59:30.037Z

i work on an open source project so i just use my single laptop. but i don't think that's the problem its just focusing on stuff at the moment seems more difficult. I have lots of things i want to do I just don't do them. couple compiler papers i want to read, study cassandra source code, figure out how to introduce a SAT solver into work project, etc

Stanislav K. 2021-05-06T16:59:47.037200Z

with 1 hour a day for long period of time, I managed to bootstrap couple of projects that generate my some additional beer money.

Stanislav K. 2021-05-06T17:00:48.037400Z

I, unfortunately, have issues focusing on one project. So for me -- juggling projects in parallel is easy.

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-06T18:06:55.038Z

Anyone studying any foreign languages?


Does DuoLingo count?


I’m doing Portuguese, Swedish, and Japanese.

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-06T18:17:15.040Z

DuoLingo counts. ^.^ Do you find you are retaining what is being learned via the app?

yunior 2021-05-06T18:30:18.040800Z

German in my case. If anyone wants to talk to practice I’m available.

hindol 2021-05-06T18:54:11.041500Z

I tried learning French. Went quite far in Duolingo. But without practice, forgot most of it. Are there beginner level podcasts, youtube channels that I can listen to?

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-06T18:55:11.042500Z

For French? I sometimes put on French news radio and try and pick out words here and there. I haven't explored the world of beginner podcasts but there are likely some good ones, maybe some great youtube channels, too.

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-09T15:57:10.130Z

One thing in French a Day and Coffee Break French might be up your alley

hindol 2021-05-09T16:16:33.130200Z

Looks like they are. Thanks for the links.

dpsutton 2021-05-06T18:55:30.043Z

Would be interested in those if you have a few recommendations

hindol 2021-05-06T18:55:37.043100Z

Not looking for dual language podcasts where people are trying to teach. More like listening to news/stories etc. but in simple French.

hindol 2021-05-06T18:57:00.043300Z

Yes, for French. A news channel will be a good fit, but is there one where they intentionally use simple language?

alexmiller 2021-05-06T18:58:46.044300Z

I find all the app things are too unstructured for me. I want to actually be taught like the alphabet, numbers, how to conjugate, etc.


Maybe recordings of reading children's stories in French?

alexmiller 2021-05-06T18:59:06.044800Z

but I think they are useful in combination

dpsutton 2021-05-06T18:59:35.045500Z

i think i remember Justice Sotomayor learned english while at Yale or Princeton by reading children's books. I like that strategy

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-06T19:00:01.046300Z

That's mind blowing


That’s what I’m finding. My retention isn’t too terrible for rote stuff, but I find myself wanting a more complete explanation of the why’s and wherefore’s of the grammar and usage and stuff.

alexmiller 2021-05-06T19:00:39.047600Z

like it or not, intentional instruction works :) whole language/absorption works for some


Childrens books are great. I have a French edition of a Charlie Brown comic book somewhere

walterl 2021-05-06T19:01:08.048200Z

walterl 2021-05-06T19:01:27.048900Z

☝️ by CGP Grey


and there’s one weird comic in it. Linus and CB are looking up, and Linus says “Regarde, CB, c’est une avion”, and CB replies, “Non, c’est UN avion.” And Linus says, “Ah? À quoi tu voies ça?” Which in English is, “Look, an airplane (feminine),” “No, it’s an airplane (masculine)” “Really? How can you tell?” And it’s weird because all the other comics are translations of English comics, but English doesn’t use masculine and feminine for inanimate objects, so where the heck did the original joke come from for that?

Mno 2021-05-06T19:04:47.054100Z

I've been told that duolingo Portuguese is more Brazilian portuguese than Portugal portguese, and there is a jump from one to the other


DuoLingo Portuguese is definitely Brazilian.


I’ve found some Brazilian videos on Netflix, and it’s fun, but the accent is VERY different.


But I think that’s formal vs informal, not Portuguese vs Brazilian.

Mno 2021-05-06T19:06:30.057800Z

Ahh that makes sense

Mno 2021-05-06T19:07:00.058500Z

I used to watch TV in portguese because directv broadcasted both versions in south america

walterl 2021-05-06T19:07:24.059200Z

I learned the bit of German I know via: * Primarily audio lessons (helped a lot with pronunciation) * Reading German news ( - pretty complicated for n00bs) * Forming hypotheses about what I hear/read and confirm them on other sources (like * Duolingo (for practice) I'm not convinced that that's a particularly efficient way to go.

walterl 2021-05-06T19:07:59.060600Z

I've also heard that childrens books are a good way to learn, and makes perfect sense to me: my German is at (most at) a 5-yo's level 😅

Mno 2021-05-06T19:08:21.061Z

I've heard of a chrome extension which slowly starts replacing words in your web pages with the language you choose

Mno 2021-05-06T19:08:38.061500Z

And so you gradually pick up Vocab

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-06T19:09:10.062900Z

I find it interesting that very few programs / courses / online things are aimed at teaching adults a language ... we already have plenty of nouns and verbs in our mother tongues we could be leveraging to learn faster. It's kinda hard to find a spare 18 years to go from adolescent to high school grad in a new tongue. Plus, not enough mommies to carry me around while I ask "what's that called?"

Heather 2021-05-06T19:09:26.063300Z

I’m doing Portuguese on Duolingo, too. My husband speaks Portuguese (Brazilian), so he’s around to fix my pronunciation.

hindol 2021-05-06T19:09:32.063500Z

I tried reading children's stories but quickly lost interest. I found a nice app that had the story in French and the English translation side by side.

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-06T19:09:43.064100Z

That's awesome, real life teacher in the mix ^.^


One language trick I use is to check netflix etc for dubbed versions, English <-> target language, and flip between them, rewind, etc


I’m still averaging about 5-10% comprehension on the Brazilian, but it’s still fun to recognize bits and pieces.

jkxyz 2021-05-06T19:12:44.066Z

Movies with subtitles in your target language are a great way to passively pick up conversational phrases

danieroux 2021-05-06T19:13:54.067200Z works very well. I specifically enjoy the keyboard shortcuts to replay just the previous phrase

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-06T19:14:17.067800Z

That's cool, immersion is powerful

jkxyz 2021-05-06T19:14:22.067900Z

I find the informal phrases are really important for communicating – just knowing how to delay a bit while you think of what you’re trying to say. Learning to just say “so”/“also” in German helped me a lot 🙂

seancorfield 2021-05-06T19:22:36.072200Z

My wife was going to China regularly (to judge cat shows) before the pandemic and so she went to night school to learn Mandarin — but over the last year she’s been losing it slowly. Our local library just added Rosetta Stone online so she’s back to practicing a few days a week. It’s kinda strange to sit here working with my very white, mid-Western wife across the desk from me, headphones on, speaking Mandarin! She’s pretty good with languages. Fluent in French, used to speak some Arabic (she was a belly dancer and toured the Middle East as part of a US troupe several decades ago). She also picked up Spanish via a free adult day class before the pandemic (but she hasn’t had much chance to practice that).

seancorfield 2021-05-06T19:24:20.073900Z

I don’t have the language aptitude. My high school French was never very good (and that’s all gone for lack of practice). My high school German did better because I used to go skiing in German-speaking parts of Europe for about a decade (but, again, it’s pretty much all gone now — I can still read some German but can’t speak it any more).

dpsutton 2021-05-06T19:26:14.076400Z

that's a really cool paragraph. travelling regularly to china to judge cat shows is a heck of a sentence

Darin Douglass 2021-05-06T19:26:30.077200Z

Wow. A mid-western, mandarin-speaking, belly-dancing cat judge. Now that’s what I call an eclectic skill set!

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gklijs 2021-05-06T19:27:55.078300Z

My English speaking got a bit worse after speaking only Dutch for work for a year. Happy to return to a more international environment soon.

seancorfield 2021-05-06T19:31:02.078400Z

She is very unique 🙂 We’re just about to celebrate our 21st anniversary. Well, the 21st anniversary of our legal wedding. We’ve had five weddings (so far).

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dpsutton 2021-05-06T19:31:29.078700Z


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nate sire 2021-05-06T19:34:56.079Z

I became fluent in Spanish in three years. I'm conversational with anyone on the street. Motivation was the key. Need to have a #1 motivator. To do a little each day.

nate sire 2021-05-06T19:35:38.079100Z

I also found... Introverts prefer to listen and read. Extroverts, like me, prefer to just start speaking it from day one. Different learning styles.

nate sire 2021-05-06T19:35:49.079200Z

And grammar is a waste of time. For almost all.

simongray 2021-05-07T07:00:29.083400Z

That depends strongly on what kind of language you’re learning and what your mother tongue is. If you speak a European language and learn another, then grammar is mostly superficial. If you’re learning a language from another language family, then grammar is essential.

simongray 2021-05-07T07:08:01.083600Z

I can say from experience that learning e.g. Chinese or Korean without spending a lot of time on grammar will give you very little comprehension trying to parse language beyond the most basic sentences. Relatively speaking, Spanish and English grammar are basically the same (and they have many cognates) so you can pretty much rely on your implicit knowledge of English grammar when parsing a Spanish sentence. This is not so when you leave the comfort of Indo-European languages.

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-06T19:44:54.079700Z

3 years and strong motivation sounds like the recipe. What are things that kept you motivated?

dominicm 2021-05-06T20:04:57.079800Z

You might enjoy Cal Newport's work where he talks about deep leisure activities :). There's a great part in "How to live on 24 hours a day" (which also talks about leisure): > One of the chief things which my typical man has to learn is that the mental faculties are capable of a continuous hard activity; they do not tire like an arm or a leg. All they want is change—not rest, except in sleep. > The tired feeling hangs heavy over the mighty suburbs of London like a virtuous and melancholy cloud, particularly in winter. > But when you arrange to go to the theatre what happens? You rush to the suburbs; you spare no toil to make yourself glorious in fine raiment; you rush back to town in another train; you keep yourself on the stretch for four hours, if not five;; Essentially - your brain needs change. You have the energy, but the tired feeling will sit over you if you do not do something else. 24 hours a day also talks about training your brain to concentrate (which Cal Newport also talks about a lot). You need to spend time sitting, focusing. The brain is like a muscle in this way.

nate sire 2021-05-06T20:11:29.080Z

A couple things. Being in the area where Spanish is needed. And a girlfriend.

nate sire 2021-05-06T20:13:07.080100Z

I started speaking a few words at a bank... Because it was needed. But changed career paths. So I found a couple non business motivations to keep going.

nate sire 2021-05-06T20:15:08.080200Z

I think the biggest problem is false expectations. It takes us about six years as a child to grasp a language.... Expecting to learn a language in a year.... Not realistic. Languages are a long term commitment.


I love shadow-cljs and re-frame. Just had this: Had a bug in my app where I was forgetting to increment the eip after some refactoring when the interpreter hit a label / nop. So when I was running the app, it just stopped on a line label foo. I fix the line in the code to increment the eip, save and the app picks up where it left off automagically. (OK, it was a fluke because it was stuck on what was essentially a nop), but still. So neat! I wonder if gifs work...

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emilaasa 2021-05-06T21:17:13.082300Z

Is there a decent trello CLI?