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simongray 2021-05-07T07:00:29.083400Z

That depends strongly on what kind of language you’re learning and what your mother tongue is. If you speak a European language and learn another, then grammar is mostly superficial. If you’re learning a language from another language family, then grammar is essential.

simongray 2021-05-07T07:08:01.083600Z

I can say from experience that learning e.g. Chinese or Korean without spending a lot of time on grammar will give you very little comprehension trying to parse language beyond the most basic sentences. Relatively speaking, Spanish and English grammar are basically the same (and they have many cognates) so you can pretty much rely on your implicit knowledge of English grammar when parsing a Spanish sentence. This is not so when you leave the comfort of Indo-European languages.

teodorlu 2021-05-07T08:15:31.083900Z

Take long walks 🙂

Thomas Moerman 2021-05-07T10:12:29.084700Z

A few thoughts: • listen to your body: if you are too tired for creative work, don't try to force it, prioritize getting rest or more hours of sleep first • hammock time is possible in many shapes and forms: personally I like riding my bicycle a few hours or do some gardening to vent the ole' brain. I guess activities like painting or building Lego models are also good for allowing the background brain to work while focusing the active brain on a simple task • exercise is paramount to clear your body of stress hormones, you may want to flush these out before doing creative work • spend time in sunlight or outdoors, personally i get brainfog from too much chair-time • optimize office/creative space for silence (if you're an introvert) and good air • radically prune your twitter/facebook feeds, don't consume content that gets under your skin • it's OK not to be super-productive all the time :thumbsup:


last point definitely should comes first )


I have an existing ring API. What’s out there for generating an OpenAPI doc and hosting a Swagger UI endpoint?

valtteri 2021-05-07T14:01:13.086800Z
