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Just read this: Any idea how this could relate to clojurescript?

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-23T21:58:34.115800Z

Is it a service? Can I compile this "node on a browser" on my current machine? Where's the code? I really wasn't able to grasp what's exactly what they are announcing...

Aron 2021-05-24T01:16:49.116200Z

@mauricio.szabo > create fullstack Node.js environments that boot in milliseconds and are immediately online & link shareable—in just one click. The environment loads with VS Code's powerful editing experience, a full terminal, npm and more. It also runs entirely inside your browser,

Aron 2021-05-24T01:18:04.116400Z

it's like running a jvm in the browser, but not quite

Aron 2021-05-24T01:18:16.116600Z

has all the ups, not all the downs

danieroux 2021-05-21T11:52:39.066800Z

I’m going to quote @plexus on this one:

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indy 2021-05-21T12:52:22.069300Z

2022: JavaScript developer turned neurosurgeon made the brain run on Node.js

hindol 2021-05-21T12:58:23.069500Z

That's the plan B. If Chrome OS fails, turn Chrome into an OS.

raspasov 2021-05-21T13:06:44.069800Z

@mathias_dw well, if you can run Node.js in the browser… I guess you can have a ClojureScript Node.js REPL there!

raspasov 2021-05-21T13:08:21.070Z



@kslvsunil better that than running node.js on the brain

indy 2021-05-21T14:08:18.070500Z

Haha, actually I'd much prefer my brain being single threaded, would be able to focus much better

Aron 2021-05-21T14:48:06.071Z

dunno, never met anyone with multi-threaded brain, at least not with someone who expressed more than a single conscious thread of thought

lilactown 2021-05-21T14:56:01.071800Z

this is interesting because you get a complete developer environment in a browser

lilactown 2021-05-21T14:56:40.072800Z

ClojureScript could work in it to using the self-hosted compiler, but would probably require a lot of surgery

lilactown 2021-05-21T14:58:25.074400Z

their point about remote dev environments being a pain because it requires starting up containers on a remote server, being constantly connected, etc. is accurate.

lilactown 2021-05-21T15:02:13.078400Z

the “dev environment in a can” is pretty cool. I have spent a lot of time setting up bespoke environments at every place I’ve worked :)


Anyone use tmux? I’m trying to figure out how to tweak something and my Google-fu is failing. In particular, if you enter a wrong command, a little warning flashes on the screen telling you about it (ex: Unknown command or Usage: … if you gave the wrong args, or something). The problem is, that warning stays on the screen for like two seconds then goes away. I can’t read it unless I take a screenshot, which is hilariously awkward. Is there a config I can set to make that last longer? Edit: and of course, found it right after asking, as per usual.

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Joel Jucá 2021-05-24T13:45:20.117900Z

I’m into tmux and “finding an answer right after asking a question” as much as you 😆

indy 2021-05-21T18:05:42.088200Z

What are some technical books that really helped you become better at what you were doing? Maybe changed the way you think? I am currently reading Designing Data-Intensive Applications and finding it quite resourceful. Previously, I have read the Elements of Clojure to help me write some idiomatic Clojure, the Joy of Clojure to deepen my understanding of some of the language's inner workings, and the super fun Clojure for the Brave and True when I was starting out.

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Joe 2021-05-21T18:09:49.090300Z

Data And Reality changed the way I think - though I think more through the questions it raised than the ones it answered.

Christoffer Ekeroth 2021-05-21T22:36:38.090900Z

The Pragmatic Programmer, for sure. I read it as a beginner, re-read it as an intermediate developer and learned many (and different) things each time

Christoffer Ekeroth 2021-05-21T23:08:52.091100Z

It might seem a bit underwhelming but I’ve also found the “Erlang Programming Rules” to be the closest thing there is on how to write good programs: I know there are a bunch of books like Clean Code and Code Complete, but IMO they get a bit too caught up in the details. The Progamming Rules are sort of like The Elements of Style - short and to the point. If anyone knows of a similar guide - i.e. a terse book or document on how to write “good” code - I’d love to hear about it! (I guess The Elements of Programming Style is another one that fits the bill)

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-21T23:15:22.092300Z

How would you design an application to draw boxes around English text to help identify parts of speech, nouns, verbs, etc? What if you wanted it to be fuzzy so there could be typos and misspellings and missing spaces? I'm trying to do something long-term long-run with processing Japanese, I am wondering how I can do fuzzy matching .

Jacob Rosenzweig 2021-05-24T09:04:38.117Z

You use NLP through Machine Learning. The Lisp driven AI evolution is dead unfortunately

Jacob Rosenzweig 2021-05-24T09:05:22.117200Z

If you just want it to draw boxes around specific words (e.g. nouns) then a naive solution like a simple dictionary can work

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-21T23:16:03.092400Z

not a book, but casually browsing through core.clj is power

Christoffer Ekeroth 2021-05-21T23:19:10.093200Z

Good point; I learned a lot about OOP from browsing the Django source code

sova-soars-the-sora 2021-05-21T23:21:42.095200Z

Rich Hickey likes the book Process & Reality by Whitehead. What is there but flows until we engage in concrescence -- the act of concreting something into a solid entity. Not sure if it has helped me program better, but it has helped me appreciate the fact that my perceived reality has a lot of "autograsp" going on, an overlay over the raw info ... sometimes useful sometimes narrowing. to un-narrow one must un-label and un-reify ... which is why thinking about flows is so helpful.