

You seem to contradict yourself @samcf, because in, components don't need any knowledge when dispatching action (in om terms transaction). But if you want re-rednering you need to do the same in om as in redux, subscribe, but think of querying a read or simply querying instead of subscribing, though that terminology is used in the re-frame community. The contradiction I see being that you do rely on knowledge of components about what to re-render already in redux.

samcf 2016-12-12T21:01:38.000021Z

@hlolli i'm not sure I follow -- in the example I posted, the root component has signaled its interest in :times-greeted but isn't re-rendered when its child attempts to transact 'greet

samcf 2016-12-12T21:06:11.000022Z

> because in, components don't need any knowledge when dispatching action yells at me when I attempt to transact! on a component that hasn't implemented om/IQuery -- I guess I'm not sure why it would need to fulfill om/IQuery when its just blindly mutating the state without needing updates