
joseph 2017-01-04T15:04:59.000148Z

does anyone know how to run the test in the om-next? I tried run the script test in folder bin, but it fails

joseph 2017-01-04T15:05:50.000149Z

and run the test.clj in folder script, lein run -m clojure.main script/test.clj, but it is quite simple, seems not useful

jtmarmon 2017-01-04T23:32:52.000152Z

@sova I was building exactly this with Reagent, GraphQL, Sente and Datomic. Then I learned about om next and found this article. Really magical. I want to make a library to make the integration formalized

jtmarmon 2017-01-04T23:33:58.000154Z

Here's a demo of what I was working on as a proof of concept

👍 2
jtmarmon 2017-01-04T23:34:14.000155Z

(That's using graphql and reagent)

jtmarmon 2017-01-04T23:34:42.000156Z

((I had to fork graphql-clj to allow slashes in graphql schemas LOL))

sova-soars-the-sora 2017-01-04T23:35:31.000157Z

@jtmarmon Haha! Awesome. Good werk yo! Have you seen the Untangled project?

jtmarmon 2017-01-04T23:37:47.000160Z

Jk re my last message, I haven't seen this and I thought I did. Why do you ask? Looks cool though

sova-soars-the-sora 2017-01-04T23:39:44.000161Z

@jtmarmon it's another approach for 'formalizing' the fam. Maybe you can glean some inspiration from it. Yo, which editor are you using in that tapes demo?

jtmarmon 2017-01-04T23:41:09.000162Z

Oh got it, that's cool I'll take a deeper dive into it. I'm using atom with #protorepl

sova-soars-the-sora 2017-01-04T23:43:57.000163Z

Cool. Yeah it would be super awesome to have a unified framework as a starting point. Or at least some expansive demo apps that are easily tweaked to dev-needs.

jtmarmon 2017-01-04T23:46:28.000164Z

Agreed. I almost bailed trying to get a workflow setup

jtmarmon 2017-01-04T23:46:42.000165Z

Especially with a server and client side app in one project

sova-soars-the-sora 2017-01-04T23:58:43.000166Z

Once I get serverside-rendering working and drop in Datomic, no way to stop the trailblazin' ;D