Okay my app layout: Backend.clj talks to Datomic and Does Sente Sockets. Frontend.clj has Om.next and an App-state atom. Presumably now I just link Datomic-updates to Sente, merge the new data with the app-state-atom when it's received on the front end and... realtime! am i missing anything?
How would you go about implementing authorization in om.next queries on the backend (like http://graphql.org/learn/authorization/) using datomic?
what i've already found: 1/ filtered db like in https://youtu.be/7lm3K8zVOdY?t=720, 2/ limiting the pull spec you can send in through the query (but that also limits flexibility on the client side)
anyone any experience?
@stijn that is an excellent question. My first question is how does your om.next talk to your backend?