
raspasov 2017-02-02T06:23:58.001004Z

@devth how does the component A query look like?

sova-soars-the-sora 2017-02-02T07:35:50.001006Z

I have a component that reads the stuff from :user and now I'd like to also add all the items from another part of the atom data called :nf ... how would I do that? My original query is like '[:content :link :tag] and now I wish to do something like from the Thinking With Links! page where I Have [:nf _] so I can grab some attributes from the :nf vector, but it's really unclear how I can query out-of-scope things. I provide a ident? or a key in the map? puzzled

sova-soars-the-sora 2017-02-02T09:08:23.001008Z

I just resorted to picking stuff out of the atom myself...

devth 2017-02-02T15:29:38.001019Z

@raspasov it looks like [{[:ui/for-a-table _] [{:a [:db/id :a/name #:organization{:type [:db/doc]}]}]}]. turns out since that component is on another route in my app i didn't need to do anything to refresh. the reason it wasn't appearing to refresh was because when i ran a remote mutation and then a read, the read was using a database value before the mutation was applied!


@devth reads in the same transaction as a mutation need to have access to the new DB value, but you probably want to make the current DB value part of a request’s context (depending on what you’re using as a webserver this might be represented in different ways). I include an atom that contains the current DB value for the request and update it on mutations. I’d avoid grabbing a new DB value in each serverside read method, as you could read inconsistent data over the course of a request.

2017-02-02T16:25:36.001022Z will always call mutation methods before reads

devth 2017-02-02T16:25:43.001023Z

i do make the current db available in the request's context

devth 2017-02-02T16:25:54.001024Z

this is pre-mutation though, so it will be out of date by the time the read gets called

devth 2017-02-02T16:26:35.001025Z

(this is the case where the request contains both a mutation and a read)


yup– so you might include a :db-ref keyval that is an atom in your context and reset! it to the :db-after in each mutation method

devth 2017-02-02T16:26:48.001027Z


devth 2017-02-02T16:26:56.001028Z

makes sense. thanks.


There are a lot of little things like this that aren’t spelled out in any documentation or tutorials.

sova-soars-the-sora 2017-02-02T22:04:50.001035Z

With devcards & klipse I think documentation can grow very quickly. There are still some big holes in what-does-what but i'm very optimistic 😃