Hey all, Is there a clean way to query the element who's Ident
is described in this app-state?
(def init-data
{:list [{:data "Foo" :type :type1 :group 1}
{:data "Bar" :type :type1 :group 2}
{:data "Baz" :type :type2 :group 1}
{:data "Qux" :type :type2 :group 2}]
:current {:type :type1 :group 2}})
The GitHub wiki always maps over lists like these. Is it bad practice to try and lookup a single identity in a list like this?I can map over the list easily enough, but it's unclear how to query only the specified item and nothing else
I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, I opted to nomralize my data instead of doing extra lookups