@sova Unless there is some special requirement I would use margins or padding.
any suggestions on composing a sub-query that has params?
i'm currently just using the top level key of the sub component in the parent without the query to pass to the reconciler
(defui AutoCompleter
static om/IQueryParams
(params [_] {:query ""})
static om/IQuery
(query [_]
'[(:search/results {:query ?query})])
is the childand the parent is currently:
(defui Hello
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
`[:wp/query-text {:wp/preview-list ~(om/get-query Preview)}
then i just handle the two cases differently in the parser
when the query is present I pass it on to the remote to make a request, when it's not I just do a read and pass :search/results
back down to AutoCompleter
I added children to the docs: https://github.com/omcljs/om/wiki/Documentation-(om.next)#children I didn't know about this, I stumbled across it reading the untangled source.
@danielstockton the doc explains “get” part, but doesn’t actually say anything how to “pass” children in
Well, it says trailing args. There are lots of functions you could say that for I think.
“trailing args” might be a bit confusing for starters
I agree, it's not the only thing like that in the docs though. For me it would have been enough to know it exists. They're editable by anyone so feel free to add more detail.
Would Om.Next support Fiber out of the box?
@ag just need to upgrade the react dep and this minimal patch https://github.com/anmonteiro/om/commit/686921531c7bcbbd75804e6b9240b12d92eaaa5f#diff-ee424e6559581b5b893371373a777e5eR188
just the line highlighted there ^