
Please ask the channel first, not @dnolen directly!

Is there any way to make a select component whose query does not compose back to root? I don't want to have to pass props through for every select, I thought I might be able to do this with an Ident.


The parser is being called but om doesn't seem to be passing props to the component. I made my own lookup table on state :select/by-id. I'm also adding the ident as a tailing argument to transact!


It would be a good fit for component local state but I would quite like to store things in app-state if possible.


is the component being re-rendered?


No dvingo.


I've changed it to use component local state for now but I'd like for it to be built into app-state so I can jump across all the states.


I thought maybe the component isn't being indexed because I'm not including the query in a parent and composing to root..


if it's not re-rendering but the data is updating in the reconciler you could try a "read transact" (om/transact [:select/by-id ~id]) i've used that pattern for remotes data updates to trigger updates, haven't tried from the parser though


ah, rereading what you said, i think you'll need the select component's query in your root, you may not have to pass the data down as long as its query is present in the root


I see, in that case I'd need a huge list of idents in my root component for all the select menus in my application


you may want to look into adding a new ui->props fn


looks like you can have free reign into how a component gets its data


Oh, another hidden gem for me to abuse 🙂


haha yea, i haven't played with that yet, but i probably will get there - i'd really like to avoid having to wire all the state down the ui tree

tony.kay 2017-03-14T23:03:07.926266Z

I recently uploaded a video directed at helping people understand how we handle state, remotes, and the removal of a need for a client-side Om Next parser in Untangled. Thought it might be interesting to those of you that are thinking through the Om Next patterns. Might shed some light.

🦜 5

this is great, thank you!