You might have to update cljs too. You can also try removing resources/public/js and recompiling everything.
Hello fellows, I'm starting to work with and I was wondering if there is a correct way to work with Higher Order Components as in plain React. I'm trying to do some render hijacking so the HOC can control what to be render. Anything is helpful 🙂
hello guys, this is part 2 of my article on drag and drop using om
: remarks and questions are welcomed !
@baptiste-from-paris Excellent, I was following part 1 only this morning, implementing a drag and drop of my own.
Unfortunately, I think I'll have to change to using goog.fx.DragDrop or another library, since HTML5 native drag and drop isn't well supported by browsers.
using om
@danielstockton it really depends what is your targeted market
Yes, definitely. 44% is a bit too low for us.
lol ok
again, it depends on your audience - but it would be cool to use the google closure API