Hi Everyone! Happy #\Clojurewest!
I have a collection of submissions and I want to re-arrange their order of display on the page.
I have an action that should sort them, but when I do (take 8 ~) of my collection, I get the same 8 everytime
they live in an atom
so far my best guess is: maybe my sort is not doing what I think it's doing
(swap! nf-app-state-atom update :blurbs #(sort-by :number-of-ratings %))
Hrm. Maybe it's because the invokation happens before the atom is populated with info.
Okay, that appears to have been the issue.
Ah, that's the magic of the react lifecycle methods. sort the data to your liking on different lifecycle events....
like component will render or whatever
hello guys, any feedbacks on how to handle routing server-side for om application ? (for example, I want to access the article /news/my-front-route/om-is-awesome