I was wondering if Om.Next would benefit from anything specific in the new React 16 (with fiber, etc)? Has any already tested the alpha?
@pedroteixeira I tested an early version of Fiber and it works fine with Om Next
there’s like 1 line of code that needs changing
not sure we’ll benefit from anything apart from what every other person who’ll switch to it will also get
@anmonteiro curious what’s that line? 🙂 (for the reason that I’m already using React 16 alpha via the React Native 0.44)
I haven’t noticed anything weird, but curious in any case
@raspasov https://github.com/omcljs/om/compare/master...anmonteiro:js-modules#diff-ee424e6559581b5b893371373a777e5eR188
anmonteiro: got it, thanks! so basically just a change around the requires?
don’t want to waste too much time, since there’s no problem atm 🙂 but I think the link goes to a diff with a bunch of small changes? https://github.com/omcljs/om/compare/master...anmonteiro:js-modules#diff-ee424e6559581b5b893371373a777e5eR188
most don’t matter. the line I mean is changing goog.object/getValueByKeys
to some->
got it, thank you! 🙂