
Please ask the channel first, not @dnolen directly!

oh yea, hey!


i just put tried this out


(defui CanvasExample
       (componentDidMount [this]
                          (let [canvas (aget this "canvas")
                                ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
                                _ (aset this "ctx" ctx)]
                            (aset ctx "fillStyle" "green")
                            (-> ctx
                                (.fillRect 10 10 100 100))))
  (render [this]
    (dom/canvas #js {:ref (assign-ref this "canvas")})))

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:10:57.368256Z

oh so you did actually mean calling the componentDidMount directly


yep, it's all just react at the end of the day πŸ™‚


om really only changes how data is managed

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:12:33.374599Z

the issue, though, is i'm using a typical factory pattern and just updating a global map. so currently i have a function like:

(defn new-canvas [id width height]
  (let [str-id (str id)
        key-id (keyword id)]
    (swap! store assoc key-id
           {:id str-id, :width width, :height height})
    (swap! store assoc-in [key-id :ctx]
            (.getElementById js/document (str id)) "2d"))

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:13:47.379201Z

it seems to be creating a race condition (again, not totally sure when the reconciler triggers rerenders) where the canvas hasn't been rendered for me to pull the ctx


i see, yea this is outside of react's model

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:14:43.382881Z

actually, i suppose i could just modify the original defui to pull the context in componentDidMount and add it to my global map. that seems much cleaner


was about to say the same πŸ™‚


i just store the ctx on the component itself, but for sure you can add it into the store as well


i often use this helper for setting the ref btw

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:16:39.390206Z

yeah, i'd need to have it in the store since i'm drawing from outside the component itself


(defn assign-ref [this ref]
  (fn [el]
    (aset this ref el)))


you used to be able to pass a string but now the recommendation is to use a callback,

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:17:41.393962Z

i'm a bit confused by this. both the purpose and what aset does in cljs


cool, that makes sense



the oops readme has a good explanation


and the cheatsheet-

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:20:06.402640Z

ok, so this is just a way to cut down on the js boilerplate when you need to set a var to a ref queried from the dom?

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:20:22.403653Z

oh wow i had no idea there was a cljs specific cheatsheet πŸ™‚


yea, i use it in plain js too


haha yea, i keep finding things scattered about the net

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:20:52.405358Z

it's still odd to me why you'd need a js array


it's poorly named, because JS arrays are really objects anyway, you can use aset for objects


it will compile to obj["prop"] = val

sophiago 2017-05-29T00:22:35.411778Z

ah true. it's been a while since i've written plain js (thankfully)



sophiago 2017-05-29T00:25:59.425229Z

well, thanks for the tips! i may have to wait to try them out...this is all on another branch of this project i realized afterwards i could maybe debug without using multiple canvases and just one hardcoded one. not sure which i'll end up using


cool, no problem and good luck!

πŸ‘ 1
sophiago 2017-05-29T02:13:22.947349Z

hey, just hoping for a sanity check on modifying your code to store the context in the map (similar to how the keys are initialized, rather than directly with swap!):

(defui canvas
  (render [this]
          (let [{:keys [id width height]} (om/props this)]
            (dom/input #js
                       {:id id
                        :width width
                        :height height
  (componentDidMount [this]
                     (let [canvas (aget this id)
                           ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
                           {:ctx ctx} (om/props this)])))

pasi 2017-05-29T10:18:14.008231Z

hey. Just getting started with Om/ Couple quick(?) questions. First, I've read some Clojure guides and I have a (very) basic grasp of Clojure syntax now. Is there anything I should really know before diving into Om/Om,next language syntax/features wise? Second, I looked at some Om(next) docs yesterday and a lot of them had "under heavy development warnings". I guess they're still the docs I should be reading? Third, "Note: this tutorial is for Om, not Om Next" - I assume learning Om carries over to Om next and the "basic tutorial" at is still somewhat valid?


@pasi There isn't much carry over from om to, you should start with the om next quick start.

jimmy 2017-05-29T11:08:36.518773Z

@pasi If you are new to Clojure, I recommend you to start with some thing like Rum, Reagent and Reframe first if you want to build something. Otherwise, if you are learning, just go with directly.

pasi 2017-05-29T11:12:32.557036Z

I use React, Redux & co based stack at work quite extensively so I'm particularly interested in Om Next. Broadening my horizons etc.


@nxqd Why do you recommend those first?

jimmy 2017-05-29T11:17:19.603685Z

@danielstockton It's based on my experience, I find it's easier for Clojurescript newbie to try out with those framework first since they are easier to work with, and you can build a prototype easily. It's not the same for If they are experienced, then they are free to choose πŸ™‚

claudiu 2017-05-29T11:18:06.611177Z

@pasi I’m also switching from react, redux. Om-next has quite the learning curve unfortunately. I found rum & reframe a lot easier. There is also untangled (om-next framework).

claudiu 2017-05-29T11:21:02.639299Z

I found tony kay’s videos really helpful most of the stuff applies to om-next


Fair enough, it seems to be a common viewpoint. I've looked at re-frame/reagent very briefly but didn't really grasp it any easier than om.

claudiu 2017-05-29T11:28:20.709597Z

imho the docs and examples are better. For om next I think that the documentation and examples don’t really explain the overview that well. Spent a lot of time re-reading and trying to get my head around them.

claudiu 2017-05-29T11:30:00.726240Z

Would have really loved to see something like for om-next. There is a live version here


I think I was sold on the philosophy of (dnolen talks etc...) before I actually knew anything about it. It seemed like how we should be building UIs. With reagent/re-frame (and incidentally boot vs lein), I see lots of blog posts, documentation, people telling me to use them, but never really heard a convincing argument other than that (to motivate me to dive deeper).


I was similarly sold on Clojure at the beginning, on abstract ideas rather than 'well everyone else is using X'


I think if I had gone by number of blog posts and documentation, I would still be writing ruby.

πŸ‘ 1
claudiu 2017-05-29T11:38:03.805731Z


claudiu 2017-05-29T11:39:39.821358Z

It’s just hard to get a working template. πŸ™‚ Personally can’t turn back because the end result is just so much cleaner πŸ™‚

pasi 2017-05-29T11:48:36.911325Z

I actually made some mental notes about the sort of things I'd like to see in Om next documentation

pasi 2017-05-29T11:52:00.946Z

it's kinda hard to objectively identify pain points when you're not super comfortable with the syntax itself. I think React docs are a great example of well-written, informative docs but I've never read them not knowing JS quite well.

pasi 2017-05-29T12:03:50.073527Z

in the spirit of trying to actually give some useful feedback.. some of the docs are bit heavy on jargon and occasionally I felt like some extra info would be great. I'm talking about specifically here: >"The reconciler accepts novelty". Novelty? What? A quick explanation of what novelty means here would help a lot. The routing section is okay content wise but a lot of "web app people" probably associate "routing" with views, rather than client-server side information transfer. Parsing & query expressions chapter could maybe provide a little more context and quickly gets quite technical. I guess explaining what "parsing" means in the context of client-server architecture would help. Also little more time could maybe be spent on explaining query expressions.

claudiu 2017-05-29T12:06:59.107696Z

@pasi also, for getting started I found the Overview of Om Next and om tutorial most helpful. First link from community resources


@pasi I think routing is used in the usual context in the docs i.e. switching views.

pasi 2017-05-29T12:11:32.157149Z

I should add that so far I really like the ideology of Om next and at the very least, I hope I can take some of its thinking back to JS world.

jimmy 2017-05-29T12:55:23.664747Z

@danielstockton Don't get me wrong, is really good. I have worked with 3 frameworks. Just to make sure if he/she is a newcomer, they can start with those 3 frameworks then go further exploring It would be more encouraging.

adamvh 2017-05-29T15:10:49.391303Z

@pasi you may want to look at untangled-web

adamvh 2017-05-29T15:11:00.393379Z

which is a framework built on top of om next

adamvh 2017-05-29T15:13:53.427496Z

om next itself is powerful and flexible, but also somewhat bare-bones. untangled makes some opinionated choices to make the "getting started" process easier, and, as a bonus, there's a sweet dev guide that you clone that comes with a bunch of live-reloading examples

pedroteixeira 2017-05-29T22:47:14.714660Z

pasi: some useful information here too

pedroteixeira 2017-05-29T22:48:54.722145Z

anyone know if is the "current way" to use hiccup like sintax with or is there a better alternative? I had to patch this one to work with latest clojure spec.alpha

fz 2017-05-29T23:25:36.889588Z

Is it safe to directly invoke the :action of a mutation function from another to "chain" mutations? Is this the best/recommended way to chain mutations?

(defmethod mutate 'bar [_ _ _] {:action (fn [] …)})
(defmethod mutate 'foo [_ _ _] (((mutate 'bar '_ '_ '_) :action)))

anmonteiro 2017-05-29T23:41:15.959273Z

@fz can’t you (om/transact! this [(foo) (bar)]) ?

fz 2017-05-29T23:54:52.018960Z

I don't think so … in this case, this is being used as an Untangled post-mutation, which AFAIK only allows a single symbol. Happy to ask in #untangled if this question is more specific to that …