oh yea, hey!
i just put tried this out
(defui CanvasExample
(componentDidMount [this]
(let [canvas (aget this "canvas")
ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
_ (aset this "ctx" ctx)]
(aset ctx "fillStyle" "green")
(-> ctx
(.fillRect 10 10 100 100))))
(render [this]
(dom/canvas #js {:ref (assign-ref this "canvas")})))
oh so you did actually mean calling the componentDidMount
yep, it's all just react at the end of the day π
om really only changes how data is managed
the issue, though, is i'm using a typical factory pattern and just updating a global map. so currently i have a function like:
(defn new-canvas [id width height]
(let [str-id (str id)
key-id (keyword id)]
(swap! store assoc key-id
{:id str-id, :width width, :height height})
(swap! store assoc-in [key-id :ctx]
(.getElementById js/document (str id)) "2d"))
it seems to be creating a race condition (again, not totally sure when the reconciler triggers rerenders) where the canvas hasn't been rendered for me to pull the ctx
i see, yea this is outside of react's model
actually, i suppose i could just modify the original defui
to pull the context in componentDidMount
and add it to my global map. that seems much cleaner
was about to say the same π
i just store the ctx on the component itself, but for sure you can add it into the store as well
i often use this helper for setting the ref btw
yeah, i'd need to have it in the store since i'm drawing from outside the component itself
(defn assign-ref [this ref]
(fn [el]
(aset this ref el)))
you used to be able to pass a string but now the recommendation is to use a callback,
i'm a bit confused by this. both the purpose and what aset
does in cljs
cool, that makes sense
the oops readme has a good explanation
and the cheatsheet- http://cljs.info/cheatsheet/
ok, so this is just a way to cut down on the js boilerplate when you need to set a var to a ref queried from the dom?
oh wow i had no idea there was a cljs specific cheatsheet π
yea, i use it in plain js too
haha yea, i keep finding things scattered about the net
it's still odd to me why you'd need a js array
it's poorly named, because JS arrays are really objects anyway, you can use aset
for objects
it will compile to obj["prop"] = val
ah true. it's been a while since i've written plain js (thankfully)
well, thanks for the tips! i may have to wait to try them out...this is all on another branch of this project i realized afterwards i could maybe debug without using multiple canvases and just one hardcoded one. not sure which i'll end up using
cool, no problem and good luck!
hey, just hoping for a sanity check on modifying your code to store the context in the map (similar to how the keys are initialized, rather than directly with swap!
(defui canvas
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [id width height]} (om/props this)]
(dom/input #js
{:id id
:width width
:height height
(componentDidMount [this]
(let [canvas (aget this id)
ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
{:ctx ctx} (om/props this)])))
hey. Just getting started with Om/Om.next. Couple quick(?) questions. First, I've read some Clojure guides and I have a (very) basic grasp of Clojure syntax now. Is there anything I should really know before diving into Om/Om,next language syntax/features wise? Second, I looked at some Om(next) docs yesterday and a lot of them had "under heavy development warnings". I guess they're still the docs I should be reading? Third, "Note: this tutorial is for Om, not Om Next" - I assume learning Om carries over to Om next and the "basic tutorial" at https://github.com/omcljs/om/wiki/Basic-Tutorial is still somewhat valid?
@pasi There isn't much carry over from om to om.next, you should start with the om next quick start.
@pasi If you are new to Clojure, I recommend you to start with some thing like Rum, Reagent and Reframe first if you want to build something. Otherwise, if you are learning, just go with Om.next directly.
I use React, Redux & co based stack at work quite extensively so I'm particularly interested in Om Next. Broadening my horizons etc.
@nxqd Why do you recommend those first?
@danielstockton It's based on my experience, I find it's easier for Clojurescript newbie to try out with those framework first since they are easier to work with, and you can build a prototype easily. It's not the same for Om.next. If they are experienced, then they are free to choose π
@pasi Iβm also switching from react, redux. Om-next has quite the learning curve unfortunately. I found rum & reframe a lot easier. There is also untangled (om-next framework).
I found tony kayβs videos really helpful most of the stuff applies to om-next https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVi9lDx-4C_T_gsmBQ_2gztvk6h_Usw6R
Fair enough, it seems to be a common viewpoint. I've looked at re-frame/reagent very briefly but didn't really grasp it any easier than om.
imho the docs and examples are better. For om next I think that the documentation and examples donβt really explain the overview that well. Spent a lot of time re-reading and trying to get my head around them.
Would have really loved to see something like https://github.com/kriasoft/react-starter-kit for om-next. There is a live version here https://demo.reactstarter.com/
I think I was sold on the philosophy of om.next (dnolen talks etc...) before I actually knew anything about it. It seemed like how we should be building UIs. With reagent/re-frame (and incidentally boot vs lein), I see lots of blog posts, documentation, people telling me to use them, but never really heard a convincing argument other than that (to motivate me to dive deeper).
I was similarly sold on Clojure at the beginning, on abstract ideas rather than 'well everyone else is using X'
I think if I had gone by number of blog posts and documentation, I would still be writing ruby.
Itβs just hard to get a working template. π Personally canβt turn back because the end result is just so much cleaner π
I actually made some mental notes about the sort of things I'd like to see in Om next documentation
it's kinda hard to objectively identify pain points when you're not super comfortable with the syntax itself. I think React docs are a great example of well-written, informative docs but I've never read them not knowing JS quite well.
in the spirit of trying to actually give some useful feedback.. some of the docs are bit heavy on jargon and occasionally I felt like some extra info would be great. I'm talking about https://github.com/omcljs/om/wiki/Quick-Start-(om.next) specifically here: >"The reconciler accepts novelty". Novelty? What? A quick explanation of what novelty means here would help a lot. The routing section is okay content wise but a lot of "web app people" probably associate "routing" with views, rather than client-server side information transfer. Parsing & query expressions chapter could maybe provide a little more context and quickly gets quite technical. I guess explaining what "parsing" means in the context of client-server architecture would help. Also little more time could maybe be spent on explaining query expressions.
@pasi also, for getting started I found the Overview of Om Next
and om tutorial
most helpful. First link from community resources https://github.com/omcljs/om/wiki
@pasi I think routing is used in the usual context in the docs i.e. switching views.
I should add that so far I really like the ideology of Om next and at the very least, I hope I can take some of its thinking back to JS world.
@danielstockton Don't get me wrong, om.next is really good. I have worked with 3 frameworks. Just to make sure if he/she is a newcomer, they can start with those 3 frameworks then go further exploring om.next. It would be more encouraging.
@pasi you may want to look at untangled-web
which is a framework built on top of om next
om next itself is powerful and flexible, but also somewhat bare-bones. untangled makes some opinionated choices to make the "getting started" process easier, and, as a bonus, there's a sweet dev guide that you clone that comes with a bunch of live-reloading examples
pasi: some useful information here too https://www.martinklepsch.org/posts/om-next-reading-list.html
anyone know if is https://github.com/arohner/om-html the "current way" to use hiccup like sintax with om.next? or is there a better alternative? I had to patch this one to work with latest clojure spec.alpha
Is it safe to directly invoke the :action
of a mutation function from another to "chain" mutations? Is this the best/recommended way to chain mutations?
(defmethod mutate 'bar [_ _ _] {:action (fn [] β¦)})
(defmethod mutate 'foo [_ _ _] (((mutate 'bar '_ '_ '_) :action)))
@fz canβt you (om/transact! this [(foo) (bar)])
I don't think so β¦ in this case, this is being used as an Untangled post-mutation
, which AFAIK only allows a single symbol. Happy to ask in #untangled if this question is more specific to that β¦