
Please ask the channel first, not @dnolen directly!
puppybits 2017-08-21T01:54:11.000040Z

I’m calling a set-query! inside a nested child component. It runs through the reconciler but I can’t figure out why it won’t re-render the component once it’s retrieved the new value. Any idea why?

tony.kay 2017-08-21T04:32:48.000158Z

@puppybits All sorts of reasons. There is no magic to refresh. It refreshes the component that issued the set-query. So: 1. the data didn’t change. 2. The data you’re querying for didn’t change, or maybe the new query is wrong?

puppybits 2017-08-21T12:55:23.000180Z

It looks like my read function is returning the new object but the component is receiving the old version. Is there something with compassus that I need to do different?

(defn spending-date!
  [this date]
  (prn "set query" date)
    {:params {:date date
              :budget (om/get-query budgeting/Budget)}}))

(defui SpendingPage
  static om/IQueryParams
  (params [this]
    {:budget (om/get-query budgeting/Budget)
     :date (t/minus (t/at-midnight (t/now)) (t/days 7))})

  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
    '[({:budget/by-date ?budget} {:date ?date})])
  (render [this]
    (let [{:keys [owner factory props]} (om/get-computed this)
          {:keys [title budget/by-date app/txn]} props
          date (:date by-date)
          on-active #(do (prn "setting" date %) 
                       (when (not= date %) 
                         (spending-date! this %)))]
      (debug (om/get-computed this))
      (go (<! (timeout 5000)) (on-active (t/minus date (t/days 1))))
      (ui/view {:style {:flex 1 :alignItems "center"}}
        (budgeting/view by-date)))))

(def page (om/factory SpendingPage))

; ----- console log ------
"setting" #inst "2017-08-14" #inst "2017-08-13"
"set query" #inst "2017-08-13" <-- this is from my read function
[{:date #inst "2017-08-13",
  :budget 160823}]

[  7.002s] [app] fskl.pages.spending/SpendingPage query took 18.239999994635582 msecs

fskl.pages.spending <---- but the refresh has the same object
[{:owner #object[compassus.core.ui_34607],
  :factory #object[Function],
   {:date #inst "2017-08-14",
    :budget 160823}}}]

bostonaholic 2017-08-21T13:45:33.000297Z

tl;dr Advise against using React if you’re planning to sue Facebook for patent infringement

puppybits 2017-08-21T16:00:33.000445Z

I found why it was off. On set-query the new data was comes through compassus.core/route-data instead of computed.

anmonteiro 2017-08-21T16:01:16.000444Z

@puppybits the Compassus model doesn't play very well with set-query!

anmonteiro 2017-08-21T16:01:32.000681Z

I should actually list that in the readme sometime

anmonteiro 2017-08-21T16:01:54.000417Z

Why are you reaching for set-query!?

puppybits 2017-08-21T16:04:54.000064Z

I have a sub-view that I’m wanting to switch to a different item.

(defn spending-date!
  [this date]
    {:params {:date date
              :budget (om/get-query budgeting/Budget)}}))

(defui SpendingPage
  static om/IQueryParams
  (params [this]
    {:budget (om/get-query budgeting/Budget)
     :date (t/minus (t/at-midnight (t/now)) (t/days 7))})

  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
    '[({:budget/by-date ?budget} {:date ?date})])
  (render [this]
    (let [{:keys [owner factory props]} (om/get-computed this)
          {:keys [title budget/by-date app/txn]} props
          date (:date by-date)
          on-active #(when (not= date %) (spending-date! this %)))]
      (ui/view {:style {:flex 1 :alignItems "center"}}
        (budgeting/view by-date)))))

puppybits 2017-08-21T16:05:59.000069Z

It doesn’t seem like a mutate is proper because I don’t want to change the data source, just view a different item in the list.

casualuser 2017-08-21T18:07:10.000025Z

greetings one! newbie for clojure and react but have experience with other web techs. so have a simple question - how to create side menu ? simple side menu with fixed width

casualuser 2017-08-21T18:07:54.000278Z

right now have existing project crafted by some guru and required to make few tweaks there to show it

casualuser 2017-08-21T18:08:39.000119Z

there is exists top navbar menu and I need to get extra left side navbar

casualuser 2017-08-21T18:09:08.000374Z

is there simple answer or should I invent it with divs/classes?

sundarj 2017-08-21T19:16:36.000537Z

@casualuser there's no Om-specific way to create a sidebar, if that's what you're asking. if you know how to create a sidebar with divs and classes, then i'd say do that. depending on how the guru wrote the app, the html will either look like

(dom/div nil
  (dom/p nil "woo"))
[:div [:p "woo"]]

casualuser 2017-08-21T19:18:33.000365Z

@sundarj it looks like

                  (make-nav-link data :item-list "Item Desk" (routes/item-list))
                  (make-nav-link data :item-form "Create New Item" (routes/item-form))

sundarj 2017-08-21T19:18:56.000109Z

right, so it's i imagine

sundarj 2017-08-21T19:19:49.000573Z

(which is essentially the clojurescript version of

casualuser 2017-08-21T19:21:09.000018Z

@sundarj thx for tips, going to check this resources for reference

sundarj 2017-08-21T19:21:35.000610Z

no worries 🙂

sundarj 2017-08-21T19:24:01.000320Z

@casualuser you could also give this a whirl: