
Please ask the channel first, not @dnolen directly!
cycle337 2017-08-28T05:20:55.000152Z

hello fellow om writers

cycle337 2017-08-28T05:21:13.000002Z

I was wondering what can I use for a typeahead search input ?

gardnervickers 2017-08-28T17:37:17.000121Z

@avabinary Here’s an example for typeahead searching Wikipedia


Hi all. In the om (previous) documentation on cursors it says: > You can create sub-cursors from cursors by just calling get or get-in on them (works only during the render phase). Which seems to suggest you cannot create sub-cursors with associative operations outside the render phase. However, something like:

  {:on-click #(om/transact! (get app :toggle) not)}
Seems to work just fine. Am I interpreting the doc too strictly? Is this unsafe or unsupported behaviour? Thanks!