
Please ask the channel first, not @dnolen directly!

newbie here. What does 'Object' mean in defui?

levitanong 2017-09-11T10:35:15.000268Z

@vinaydate AFAIK it’s a special protocol for defining javascript object methods.

souenzzo 2017-09-11T17:26:29.000275Z

Why on om tutorials they use symbols to dispatch transactions, not keywords?

levitanong 2017-09-11T18:03:47.000475Z

@souenzzo I’d assume it’s to make it look like a function call. (some-mutate {:some-param 2})

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wilkerlucio 2017-09-11T21:33:40.000386Z

@souenzzo also to make easier to distinguish when you are trying to read vs mutate