Hi, I'm having a problem which drives me crazy. 🙂 Namely my view is not beeing rendered at all as soon as the root comonent implements om/IQuery
, and I can't figure out why
when I comment the IQuery part, everything is ok, but as soon as I put it back, my view is not rendered at all (with no errors & co)
does om/next use a graph database for storing everything?
I'm trying to understand how this whole 'flattening' process works
@roti just a check, do you have Object before (render)?
yes, everything (except computed data like callbacks, and React local state) is stored in the graph db and normalized with the help of Ident metadata that you provide on components
@snichme yes, I have. everything works fine until I make my component implement om/IQuery
check out the Om Wiki and Fulcro devguide for a fuller picture
here's the core
(defui RootView
;static om/IQuery
;(query [this]
; [:count])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [count]} (om/props this)]
;(println "Rendering counter, count=" count)
(dom/div nil
(dom/span nil (str "Count: " count))
#js {:onClick
(fn [e] (om/transact! this '[(increment)]))}
"Click me!")))))
Recognize this issue, but cant remember the solution
I’m having an issue where the state of the app is being overwritten it seems
Here is a link to a GIF screencapture of the problem
it’s loading the data from the server and populating the values into the drop down menus; but the data doesn’t stick around for the first drop down menu.