
Please ask the channel first, not @dnolen directly!
claudiu 2017-12-07T07:38:00.000199Z

@peeja Haven't tested but there is a commit React 16 support anmonteiro committed on Sep 29

tony.kay 2017-12-07T22:46:47.000361Z

@peeja FYI when I ported Fulcro away from Om Next, I noticed that that code is broken under adv opt

tony.kay 2017-12-07T22:47:56.000205Z

It is trying to track “mounted” status…using the lifecycle hooks via the defui wrapping works better.

tony.kay 2017-12-07T22:49:44.000181Z

If anyone wanted to back-port the fix, it is here: Just look for anything related to fulcro$mounted…should be fairly easy. Remove the stuff in Om next about react fibre and such for this same concern.