
Please ask the channel first, not @dnolen directly!
rplevy 2018-03-20T00:38:34.000206Z

Is this a known behavior of Om?: Passing a map to a child component as its cursor based on some calculated value-- without going through om/transact or om/update-- works in optimizations none, but not in advanced compilation. Maybe a caveat or a "don't do that thing" more so than a bug, but wondering if this is expected. We're on version "1.0.0-alpha48"

rplevy 2018-03-20T01:10:01.000172Z

Also I found that om/get-shared does not work in advanced compilation (produces a nil)


I upgraded to beta2 and started seeing new tokens in transit requests like "~#cmap" that my backend doesn't understand


Can anyone enlighten me more on this change?


I'm guessing its a change to the transit spec, so i probably need to update transit on the backend


Looks like something changed in om actually, and the query is incorrect. It shouldn't be a map with composite keys.


Query should be [(user/login {:username <username>, :password ****, :remember nil})] but it has become [{(user/login {:username <username>, :password ****, :remember nil}) []}]