
Please ask the channel first, not @dnolen directly!
n2o 2018-06-05T13:42:07.000083Z

Is there a way to get the last transactions uuids from my reconciler? Or are they only printed to the console? I want to catch them to create a browsable history


You can add

:tx-listen (fn [tx-data {:keys [tx ret sends]}]
                                         (timbre/info tx)
                                         (timbre/info ret)
                                         (timbre/info sends))
to the reconciler config map.

n2o 2018-06-05T13:48:13.000352Z

uuh sounds good. Thanks 🙂

n2o 2018-06-05T13:56:47.000830Z

Hm okay, but I can't find the transaction UUID which can be used for I will take a closer look to the returned tx-data and try to find it somewhere


I use

(defn mutation-history [reconciler]
     (js->clj (.-arr (-> reconciler :config :history))))

👍 1

There, I'm struggling a bit with the slack editor here

n2o 2018-06-05T14:01:50.000597Z

I just found :history in the reconciler, which is exactly what i wanted. thanks for your help and your mutation function 🙂